Rising Food Prices in Switzerland: Analyzing the Impact and Solutions | Le Temps

2023-08-17 08:01:58

Published on August 17, 2023 at 10:01. Modified on August 17, 2023 at 10:23.

The annual change in food and non-alcoholic beverages is +5.5% according to FSO data (see our dashboard). Since the beginning of the inflationary spiral that began in 2022, food products have become more expensive by 9% in total,remind her NZZwho wonders how Migros passed on the increased purchasing costs to its customers.

Pressure is mounting on the two main retailers in Switzerland, Coop and Migros. The Monsieur Prix de la Confédération announced at the end of July in an interview au Sunday view want to scrutinize retail margins, and fight against “greedy inflation”. Charges that the two major distributors have always rejected. Coop and Migros like to point out that as cooperatives, they are committed to their customers and defend a social role.

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