Rising Diabetes Cases among Seniors: Causes, Regional Variations, and Socio-Economic Inequality

2023-06-24 05:34:00

In total, the AIM lists 770,000 diabetic patients, ie a third more than ten years ago. The increase, noticeable in all age groups, is particularly pronounced among seniors. 18% of people aged 65-74 have some form of diabetes. In general, the disease affects men more often than women. There is also inequality in socio-economic terms. The number of diagnoses per 100 low-income Belgians is almost double that of their higher-income compatriots. Regional differences should also be noted. In Brussels and Wallonia, more than 21% of people in this older age bracket suffer from diabetes, while in Flanders the figure is only 15.8%. Experts suggest several factors to explain the increase in the number of diagnoses. The aging of the population plays a role, as does our way of life. An unhealthy diet and a lack of physical exercise promote certain forms of diabetes. (Belga)

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