Rising Concerns: Understanding Botulism Cases in Indre-et-Loire

The National Reference Center (NRC) for Anaerobic Bacteria and Botulism at the Pasteur Institute confirmed to the health and food authorities on Thursday, September 12, the presence of Clostridium botulinum in the wild garlic pesto of the brand “O Ptits Oignons” consumed by five people in Indre-et-Loire. The analyses carried out on the patients, currently hospitalized in intensive care and continuous monitoring unit (USC) in the Centre-Val-de-Loire region, have also biologically confirmed the presence of botulism in the serum of four of these five patients. The analyses concerning the fifth case are in progress.

Following a _Status_Point_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_first_communication’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘first communication’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Status_Point_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_first_communication’])” class=”spip_in”>first communication from the authorities on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the departmental directorate for the protection of populations is continuing its investigations in order to identify the buyers of the jars of pesto incriminated, and the health authorities are reminding them of the conduct to to hold in case of possession of these products.

People who have consumed the product and have symptoms suggestive of botulism should immediately contact their doctor or 15. It is recommended that these people keep the product in a secure place for analysis purposes. In case of non-consumption, the product must be discarded immediately, without being opened.

As a reminder, botulism is a serious neurological condition caused by a very toxic toxin.

powerful which develops in particular in poorly preserved foods. The disease declares itself

generally 12 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food and causes symptoms of varying severity: early digestive signs which may be fleeting (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea), eye damage (lack of accommodation, blurred vision), neurological symptoms responsible for a risk of choking, dry mouth accompanied by impaired swallowing or even speech, more or less severe paralysis of the muscles.

Learn more about botulism and its treatments:

_Point_de_situation_confirmation_des_cas_de_botulisme_en_Indre_et_Loire>_Consulter_la_page_du_site_de_lInstitut_Pasteur’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘external,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘Consulter la page du site de lInstitut Pasteur’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘ ‘component_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘content’,’actionpname’, ‘heading_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘>_Point_de_situation_confirmation_des_cas_de_botulisme_en_Indre_et_Loire>_Consulter_la_page_du_site_de_lInstitut_Pasteur’])” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>Consult the Pasteur Institute website page

_Point_de_situation_confirmation_des_cas_de_botulisme_en_Indre_et_Loire>_Consulter_la_page_du_site_Santé_publique_Franc’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘external,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘Consulter la page du site Santé publique Franc’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘ ‘component_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘content’,’actionpname’, ‘heading_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘>_Point_de_situation_confirmation_des_cas_de_botulisme_en_Indre_et_Loire>_Consulter_la_page_du_site_Santé_publique_Franc’])” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>Consult the page of the Public Health Franc site

_Update_of_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_Download_the_press_release_in_PDF_version’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘Download the press release in PDF version’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Update_of_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_Download_the_press_release_in_PDF_version’])” class=”spip_in” type=”application/pdf”>Download the press release in PDF version

Contacts presse :

Center for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty:

_Confirmation_situation_point_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_ministere.presse@agriculture.gouv.fr’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘ministere.presse@agriculture.gouv.fr’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Confirmation_situation_point_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_ministere.presse@agriculture.gouv.fr’])” class=”spip_mail”>ministere.presse@agriculture.gouv.fr

01 49 55 60 11

Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity

Health crisis center alertes-presse@sante.gouv.fr

_Status_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_alerte-presse@sante.gouv.fr’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘alerte-presse@sante.gouv.fr’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Status_confirmation_of_botulism_cases_in_Indre_et_Loire>_alerte-presse@sante.gouv.fr’])” class=”spip_mail”>alerte-presse@sante.gouv.fr

01 87 05 93 80

What are the symptoms of botulism caused ⁤by ‌contaminated food? ‍

Botulism​ Outbreak in France: Pesto Product Contaminated with Clostridium botulinum

A recent outbreak of botulism in France has ⁣prompted health authorities⁤ to issue a ⁤warning to consumers who have purchased a specific brand of wild garlic pesto. The ​National Reference Center (NRC) for Anaerobic ​Bacteria and Botulism at the ⁤Pasteur Institute confirmed on September 12,⁤ 2024, that the product, ⁢sold under the ⁣brand “O Ptits Oignons,” was contaminated with Clostridium botulinum.

Investigation and Confirmation

The investigation was launched ‌after five people in Indre-et-Loire were ⁤hospitalized in intensive care and continuous monitoring units (USC) in the Centre-Val-de-Loire region. Analyses carried out on the patients confirmed the presence of botulism in ‌the serum of four of the five patients, with the fifth case still under investigation.

Public Health Alert

The departmental directorate for‌ the protection of populations is working to ‌identify buyers‌ of the ⁢contaminated ‌pesto jars and⁣ is reminding them⁤ of the necessary ‌precautions‍ to take. Anyone who has consumed the product and ⁣is experiencing ⁢symptoms suggestive of botulism should ⁤immediately⁢ contact their doctor or call 15. The product should be kept in a secure place for analysis purposes. If the product has not been consumed, it should be discarded immediately, without ​being opened.

What is Botulism?

Botulism is ⁤a serious⁤ neurological condition caused by a ‌highly toxic toxin that develops in​ poorly preserved foods. The disease can declare itself 12 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food,‌ causing a range of symptoms including:

Digestive signs such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Eye damage such as lack of accommodation and blurred vision

Neurological symptoms including a risk of choking, dry ‌mouth, impaired swallowing or speech, and paralysis of the‍ muscles

Learn More About Botulism ‌and its Treatments

For more information on botulism and its treatments, you can‌ consult the following websites:

Pasteur Institute Website


– What are the symptoms of botulism caused by Clostridium botulinum?

Botulism Outbreak in France: Wild Garlic Pesto Contaminated with Clostridium botulinum

A recent outbreak of botulism in France has been linked to a contaminated batch of wild garlic pesto produced by the brand “O Ptits Oignons”. The National Reference Center (NRC) for Anaerobic Bacteria and Botulism at the Pasteur Institute confirmed the presence of Clostridium botulinum in the affected product, which was consumed by five individuals in Indre-et-Loire.

The patients, who are currently hospitalized in intensive care and continuous monitoring units, have biologically confirmed cases of botulism. The analyses concerning the fifth case are still ongoing. The departmental directorate for the protection of populations is working to identify the buyers of the incriminated jars of pesto and is urging them to take necessary precautions.

What is Botulism?

Botulism is a serious neurological condition caused by a highly toxic toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. This condition develops in poorly preserved foods and can cause a range of symptoms, including:

Early digestive signs (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea)

Eye damage (lack of accommodation, blurred vision)

Neurological symptoms (risk of choking, dry mouth, impaired swallowing or speech)

Muscle paralysis of varying severity

What to Do if You Have Consumed the Contaminated Pesto

If you have consumed the affected product and are experiencing symptoms suggestive of botulism, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. Contact your doctor or call 15 for emergency assistance. Keep the product in a secure place for analysis purposes. If you have not consumed the product, do not open it and discard it immediately.

Prevention is Key

Botulism can be prevented by following proper food safety guidelines, including:

Only consuming food that has been properly stored and preserved

Avoiding eating foods that are past their expiration dates

Cooking food thoroughly before consumption

Avoiding cross-contamination of food and surfaces

Learn More About Botulism and Its Treatments

For more information on botulism and its treatments, visit the following resources:

Pasteur Institute website

Santé publique France website

By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, we can reduce the risk of botulism outbreaks and protect public health.

Keywords: botulism, Clostridium botulinum, food safety, food poisoning, wild garlic pesto, Pasteur Institute, Santé publique France.



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