Rising Concerns: Alberta’s Vaccination Campaign Struggles to Keep Pace with COVID-19 and Flu Spread

2023-10-28 15:05:29

Two weeks following Alberta’s fall vaccination campaign launched, an expert fears vaccinations may not keep pace with the spread of COVID-19 and the flu.

Data for the current season began being published Thursday in the dashboard that tracks the province’s respiratory viruses. As of October 21, 358,741 Albertans (7.9%) had rolled up their sleeves to get their flu shot. At the end of last year’s flu season, vaccination coverage reached 28%.

The COVID-19 vaccination rate is lower, with a total of 236,649 people (5.2%) having received the vaccine.

We’ve seen a lot of popularity since these clinics opened, says Craig Jenne, professor in the department of microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases at the University of Calgary. [Mais les taux de vaccination] are still far from the level we need to achieve a certain degree of community protection.

In both cases, the vast majority of doses were distributed last week (October 16-21), when the general public had access to vaccines. The Calgary and Edmonton areas had the highest vaccination rates for both diseases. Vaccines were largely administered in pharmacies.

COVID-19 trends

Craig Jenne is particularly concerned regarding the low rate of vaccination once morest COVID-19.

We know that COVID-19 is present in the community. We know that these cases have been increasing quite quickly in hospitals. […] So it’s probably more urgent to get that number to at least the level we’re seeing with flu vaccines.

Provincial data shows 113 Albertans have died from COVID-19 since the end of August, including seven people under the age of 60. Seven of the 57 intensive care admissions were in people under the age of 20.

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Craig Jenne, professor in the department of microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases at the University of Calgary

Photo : Radio-Canada / Jennifer Lee

It’s not just that Alberta’s seniors need to get vaccinated. This is a vaccine that protects several age groups, says Craig Jenne. We really need to see these numbers start to rise if we want to avoid serious illness during the holidays.

Craig Jenne says the number of COVID-19 deaths reported since the end of August rivals the number of flu deaths the province sees in some entire flu seasons.

Alberta’s recent COVID-19 vaccine rollout has encountered some problems. The provincial government increased the limit on the number of doses pharmacies might order per week, following concerns were raised regarding canceled appointments.

But some pharmacists continued to report supply problems during the second week of the vaccination campaign.

Alberta’s COVID-19 positivity rate, at 17.8%, remains high. A total of 1,214 people have been hospitalized since the end of August.

As for the flu, 51 people have been hospitalized so far this fall and one person has died.

With information from Jennifer Lee

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