Rising Chinese Air Power in the Maritime Domain – Is it Time to Reset Maritime Strategy?

The Great Air Show: China Takes to the Skies and Leaves Us Guessing!

Air Marshal (Dr) Diptendu Choudhury (Retd) PVSM, AVSM, VM, VSM

Mon, 14 Oct 2024

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Gather ’round, folks! We’re diving into the world of air power where China has taken a page from the military playbook and said, “Why not do it all?” Seriously, if you thought they were only interested in ships and submarines, think again. They’re planting airfields on reefs like some sort of exotic garden party gone wrong! So, while you were busy trying to remember where you left your wallet, China decided to flex its airpower muscles over the South China Sea like a teenage boy with a new gym membership.

And let’s talk about those airfields! I mean, Subi Reef sounds like a relaxing vacation spot, but instead, it’s hosting fighter planes, bombers, and even some aerial early-warning systems. Who wouldn’t want to visit a place where there’s always a chance of being flyover-ed by a bomber? If that’s not a tourism pitch, I don’t know what is!

Before you think this is just another case of “Look at me, I’m China; I have air power too!” consider the larger context. While Asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines are clinging to their outdated air forces like a kid holding onto a blanket, Singapore and Taiwan are trying to modernize as quickly as Tinder dates go south. It’s as if they’re trying to throw a party but forgot to invite the actual good air force jets. Meanwhile, China strolls up with an air force as modern as the latest smartphone, and suddenly, the mood shifts. Awkward, huh?

But don’t worry, America, Australia, and India are already engaged in various air exercises. It’s like a quirky aerobatic team trying to prove that they can actually be serious when it’s time to do some heavy lifting. But, let’s be honest here, if these exercises were a comedy show, they’d be open mic night! It’s great that they’re collaborating, yet one has to wonder why their aerial game has been sitting on the shelf gathering dust compared to their naval strategies. Come on folks, air power is not a secondary character in this geopolitical soap opera!

Oh, and as if that wasn’t enough, the recent reorganization of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) aviation assets into the PLAAF might just be the plot twist these countries didn’t expect. Consolidation sounds great until you realize it’s not a new smoothie recipe; it’s a strategic move to streamline operations! Who knew military strategy could sound like a corporate restructuring meeting?

The air power debate can’t simply be brushed aside with a “Yeah, but the navy is cooler!” No! It’s about integrating land-based air operations to create a bigger picture. Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle with those damn corner pieces mysteriously missing. The U.S. has been shifting its assets back to the mainland, while China’s growing long-range capabilities are like that annoying friend who shows up uninvited and ruins the party. Shall we just ignore them? I think not!

As nations dance around the issues of cyber and space threats, they might just discover that managing cooperative efforts could be the winning ticket. Imagine! An effective collaboration between various air forces that go from ‘solo act’ to ‘full band ensemble’—but without the wardrobe malfunctions! All these nations need to pivot from bilaterally checking their egos to engaging in multilateral exercises that scream, “Hey, we can do this together, folks!”

India, with its unique geopolitical history and aspirations, has laid out its vision for the future, and it sounds like a good Netflix series. Will it be filled with drama? Absolutely! As India navigates the growing anxiety between its seafaring neighbor and the looming shadow of China, you can bet this story isn’t ending anytime soon. The stakes are high, and every power move from China raises the tension higher, making it a riveting read.

So, let’s wrap this up: China is strapping on its air force boots and stepping onto the regional stage like it’s auditioning for a reality TV show. Other Southeast Asian nations? They’re doing their best not to get overshadowed while simultaneously recognizing they can’t go it alone anymore. The collaboration needs to happen, folks! It’s time for a comprehensive and bold strategy that incorporates all spheres—land, sea, air, and cyber; otherwise, we might find ourselves at the wrong end of a very high-tech prank!



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