Rising Bankruptcy Rate Threatens Businesses and Job Market in 2024

2023-10-08 04:38:13

The year 2024 promises to be tough for businesses. Indeed, several companies risk going bankrupt, particularly in the hotel and catering sector. A situation which would be due, according to the economist, Sébastien Laye, and the lawyer, Jonas Haddad, to the failure of public policies and which might have serious repercussions on the job market.

An increase in the bankruptcy rate of 35% of companies during the 2nd quarter of 2023

In 2023, more and more companies found themselves facing financial difficulties, which led them to close their doors. Moreover, according to statistics, 13,266 companies had to initiate insolvency procedures during the second quarter of the year, while no less than 50,000 procedures were recorded between July 2022 and July 2023. According to Thierry Millon, director of Altares Dun & Bradstreet studies, this situation is exceptional. “Today, companies lack cash to finance their development. You have companies that file for bankruptcy with order books that are filled a year, six months in advance. Businesses are being strangled because they cannot fund their cash flow needs to meet their order books. “, did he declare.

Furthermore, we see that the most impacted sector is that of restaurants and hotels, following a rather successful summer season. According to the economist, Sébastien Laye, and the lawyer, Jonas Haddad, the State is responsible for the situation. “The State has not adapted the law for businesses in difficulty, nor the general tax and social framework, to enable small entrepreneurs in particular to get through the current crisis. »they estimate.

Bankruptcies which might lead to an increase in unemployment

This unexpected increase in bankrupt companies might have serious consequences on the job market. And for good reason, certain sectors have been impacted more heavily than others. “ If construction still remains below pre-Covid thresholds, other activities are conversely very hard hit, in particular those directly linked to consumers (clothing, care, hairdressing, etc.) », explains the Altares firm. “ More than nine out of ten procedures concern VSEs, three quarters of which are immediately liquidated ” he added. As a result, the rate of jobs at risk increased by 82.3% to reach 55,700. On the other hand, the Altares firm was keen to point out that such a number “ had not been approached since the second quarter of 2014 ».

Moreover, the repercussions of these bankruptcies are already starting to be reflected in the job market, with a slowdown in entry into open employment in 2022. According to statistics from the Ministry of Labor, applications recorded in 2022 were 26,400 , compared to 27,300 in 2021. A regression which has never before been observed since the implementation of this system in 2018. The situation might worsen by 2024.

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