Rising Above the Rest: The Unstoppable Ascent of Agnes

Marco Zonetti

October 10, 2024

The Rai presidency doesn’t have anything to do. After the installation of the Board of Directors and the designation of Simona Agnes (supported by Forza Italia) as president in pectore, not only are there still a lack of Supervisory votes needed to make the appointment official, but it has not yet been possible to reach the date of first vote.

After the opposition’s Aventine, yesterday we witnessed the failure of the majority, who did not show up at the plenary session of the Supervisory Authority to set the date for validation of Agnes’ nomination. Guarantee role for which, let us remember, two thirds of the commission are needed, i.e. 28 votes out of 42. Agnes can currently count on 25-26 preferences and the oppositions, Pd, M5s, IV and Avs, are reluctant to deny her the remaining ones .

In case of failure to validate the appointment, the role of acting president will be covered by the most senior member of the Board of Directors, in this case Antonio Marano (Lega), but the solution can only be temporary.

After the cancellation of the plenary session, Senator Barbara Floridia, president of the Supervisory Authority, is meeting informally with the group leaders of the various parties to understand if it is possible to find an agreement to fix the vote on Agnes. Otherwise, it is within Floridia’s prerogatives to schedule it next Friday as required by the regulation on the times for validating appointments.

In all likelihood, Agnes will not pass the first step in Supervision and will have to undergo a second vote after the Ligurian regional elections which could change the political balance. Hypothesis on which Forza Italia is banking to place its candidate in the top role of public TV. Press sources have put forward abstruse hypotheses according to which, at the last minute, Giovanni Minoli or Antonio Di Bella could be proposed for the presidency. Impossible choices both because of the gender quotas on the Rai Board of Directors and because, as Senator Maurizio Gasparri of Forza Italia reiterated once again: «Simona Agnes is the only possible and indispensable candidate and, as such, she cannot be touched or will never be replaced by other names.”

In addition to the issue of the presidency, there remains that of replacing the director of Tg3, after Mario Orfeo’s move to the direction of La Repubblica. The Third Network’s news program is a historic outpost of the Democratic Party, which however could be conquered for the first time by the Five Star Movement by appointing Senio Bonini, current deputy director of Tg1, or Bruno Luverà, political journalist of the Rai1 news program, whose shares are soaring in these hours. The press mentioned two other, less probable names: Simona Sala, former director of Tg3 in the difficult period of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, who however would be happy to remain at the helm of Radio Due, and Angela Mariella (Lega).

The M5S continues to reiterate that it will never vote for Agnes in exchange for Tg3, and the Democratic Party also announces the Aventine to the bitter end, despite the fact that in recent days it has snatched yet another direction: the coordination of strategic initiatives for Paola Marchesini, wife of the powerful director of Rai Cinema Paolo Del Brocco still with the Dem.

#Agnes #candidate #Tempo



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