RIS CPAS: The Increasing Trend of Social Integration Income Beneficiaries

2023-09-19 05:23:00

The number of beneficiaries of social integration income is increasing: over the past 20 years, the share of the population benefiting from this income has more than doubled.

An observation in the three regions of the country, even if the increase is stronger in Brussels and Wallonia. A situation which is not specific to large cities: all CPAS are faced with clearly increasing requests for aid.

In La Bruyère, the number of RISs has increased tenfold in 20 years! It has now stabilized since 2018, but remains very important for this rural commune on the outskirts of Namur.

The number of beneficiaries is increasing and so is the type of profile: young people, employed people, single women with child(ren) are pushing through the doors of CPAS more today than 20 years ago.

Nobody wants to go to the CPAS

A worrying situation, especially since the budgets of the CPAS do not always follow. “Unfortunately, this increase does not surprise me“, explains Christine Mahy, secretary general of the Walloon Network for the Fight once morest Poverty.

It is linked to institutional and structural developments in the way the country manages people’s rights. We must strengthen social security, trust people, believe that they want to do something in life and offer quality work. Then of course there were the crises, the health and employment crises. There is work today but which one? Under what conditions, of what quality? Does health allow it?“, asks Christine Mahy.

Nobody dreams of this income, it’s not a dream in itself“, she continues. “Nobody wants it for life, to live well. If even there is a small percentage who thinks this, the large majority of people have no desire to push the door of the CPAS“.

In figures (July 2023), the RIS is: €1,230/month for a single person, €825/month for a cohabitant, €1,673/month for a person with dependents. 45% of RIS are financed by the cpas, and therefore the municipalities. The rest comes from the federal government.

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