The candidate for governor of Front and Neuquén Participation, Ramón Riosecoinsisted on the need for the State to carry out the adequate planning to guarantee the land to the inhabitants. On a visit to the XV Basin, the Cutralquense indicated that there is a “total absence of planning”.
Rioseco, was accompanied by Dario Martinez and Asuncion Looks Work, in the neighborhood of Basin XV and in the meeting with the inhabitants he addressed different topics. “We come to offer each of our neighbors a serious and responsible alternative, and invite them to dream and work for the future that we really deserve,” she said.
The Parliamentarian indicated that there is a “total lack of planning” that denotes this sector and explained that “planning starts from the ground and for this political space land is a state problem«.
Along these lines, he mentioned that when the provincial government conceives of land as “a right for families, beyond their social status, then housing will become a transforming axis for the reality of Neuquén.”
In relation to the housing policy of the province, Rioseco specified that currently there are no massive housing construction plans, as well as solidarity banks of materials, or lots with inclusion. The same is true for producer-oriented land programs.

“If now the ruling party announces housing solutions, we already know that they are campaign promises, because they always do the same thing once more: mismanage our resources, as they are currently doing with the oil super-rent,” he considered.
For his part, Darío Martínez, maintained that “it is obvious that in Neuquén there has always been a lack of a policy of access to land.” But he recalled the experiences of the places where they have had to govern, such as Centenario and Cutral Co, among others.
That is why “we are in a position to say that in the Frente de Todos Neuquino we are prepared to govern and make the dreams of the Neuquinos come true.”
Finally, Miras Trabalón, candidate for provincial deputy, commented that “it is very unfortunate to see how the residents of Cuenca XV continue to be deprived of many services, in administrations such as Cutral Co, the neighbor to the east and the west enjoy the same quality of services”.
He affirmed that this is why they aspire for this “more equitable logic to be replicated throughout the province with Ramón Rioseco as governor.”
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