RÍO NEGRO RADIO Unveils Thrilling Highlights for the 2024 Neuquén Book Fair This Saturday

2024-09-14 18:40:26

black river radio station exist in There is a special program at Neuquen Book Fair 2024. This weekend’s airing starts at 5:30pm and ends at 7pm. Listen to live interviews with authors participating in the annual cultural event. You can be a part of it too, you just have to come “Black River Garden”,between National Gallery of Art (MNBA) and train tracks. Look for the red trailers that make us so special and experience the broadcast. Additionally, you can Win movie tickets.

Rio Negro Radio Show, this Saturday the 14th

since 17:30 you can listen to the radio Ukraine Book Fair 2024 With driving Daniela Parra. Come to the trailer to share this experience with everyone. black river radio station. Send greetings to your loved ones, tell them what book you bought, and get tickets to see the movie you’re waiting for.

Hernán Urra from Rionegro, who won his third silver medal at the Paralympic Games, visited the Radio Rio Negro trailer this Friday.

Neuquen Book Fair 2024 in pictures: date, time, author and how to get there

chief of staff, Maria “Tana” Pasqualini, Will visit radio station rio negro newspapers Tell you how this event, which brings together writers and readers from the region and country, developed.

writer Gloria Kalfin On Wednesday, he presented his book Casa de Suegra at Charneton Hall. He will return this Saturday Ukraine Book Fair 2024 Sharing details from his autobiography.

6:30 p.m. Writer and teacher with long career, Lily Munozwill share his tips and anecdotes. He will talk about his famous reading seminars “Publish data” and adult writing and reading workshops. Bring a pencil and paper and a few tools to start writing.

You can watch movies for free in Neuquén: we tell you how to watch them during the book fair

Exhibition entrance It’s free and free. This is one of the activities in the context of the Provincial Capital Construction Month. There is a school space, as well as a series of lectures, group discussions, book displays and teacher training spaces. this Opening hours are 2pm to 10pm.

You will be able to hear all messages via FM 90.9 from Neuquengo through FM 91.9 from Rockvia Rionegro.com.ar/radio-en-vivo/ or via our app (here Available for Androidhere Available for iOS).

If you have something to say, would like to ask a question or enter a prize draw, you can contact us WeChat 2996345635. You can also find us at RÍO NEGRO RADIO and other social networks.

Neuquen Book Fair 2024 in pictures: date, time, author and how to get there


vos al el

Diego Penizzotto and Daniela Parra They start your day with you, Monday to Friday, from 7 to 9 o’clock.

Have you gotten up? Put on ‘Vos al Aire’ and find out what you need to know to start your day. The news, interviews, political and economic data you need.

Produced by: Elena Egia. Action: Juan Pablo Rodriguez Merinho. Columnists: Victoria Terzaghi (Energy), Naira Torres Bel (Trends) and Alejo Pasetto (Politics).

Neuquén's largest trade fair with pictures and gastronomy: schedule, events and weather

it’s time

Let’s continue the morning together Daniela Parra and Sergio “Chejo” AreguiMonday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Stretch your legs, update your partner and get motivated to keep up with the news. The main headlines of the day, as well as all the information about the area, are narrated by its protagonists. Turn up the volume and keep listening to RÍO NEGRO RADIO.

Produced by: Elena Egia. Action: Juan Pablo Rodriguez.

let’s open the window

when noon comes Vanessa MiallMonday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Are you looking for analysis and information? We are waiting for you to learn about the main news in the country and the latest happenings in Neuquen and Rio Negro. We keep you company with music, trends and news.

Produced by: Fausto Casanova. Action: Luis Endrinal.

I said

You do this before afternoon Juan More and Fausto CasanovaMonday to Friday, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

The message tells you. An hour is dedicated to discussing experts from our region and their different perspectives. We are Patagonia’s space to listen, engage and act.

Produced by: Fausto Casanova. Action: Luis Endrinal.

old vinyl

Ariel Padovani and Pablo Rizzuto They attend every Friday from 2 to 3 pm.

One hour to enjoy music and learn about the bands and artists who made history. Listen to “Old Vinyls” while you’re cooking, getting home, or refueling to continue your day.

Neuquén book fair image will cost $80 million but will be funded by surplus, Neuquén city government says

#RÍO #NEGRO #RADIO #Neuquen #Book #Fair #proposals #Saturday

– What time does Black River Radio Station broadcast⁢ live ‍from the Neuquén Book Fair 2024?

Black⁢ River Radio Station: Live⁣ at Neuquén Book⁤ Fair ​2024

This weekend, don’t miss the excitement at the Neuquén Book ⁢Fair 2024, ⁣where Black River​ Radio⁣ Station will be broadcasting live from the “Black River Garden” between the National Gallery of Art (MNBA) and the train tracks. From 5:30 pm to 7 pm, tune in to listen to live interviews with authors⁢ participating in the annual cultural ‌event. You can⁣ even be a part of it too, just head to the red trailers and experience the​ broadcast firsthand. Plus, you’ll⁢ have the chance to win movie tickets!

Rio Negro Radio ​Show, this Saturday the 14th

Starting from 17:30, you can listen to the radio show Ukraine Book Fair 2024, hosted ⁢by ⁢Daniela Parra.‍ Come to the trailer to share this experience with everyone and send ⁤greetings ⁢to your loved ones,‍ tell ⁣them about the books you’ve bought, and get tickets to see the movie you’re waiting ⁤for.

[Image: WhatsApp Image 2024-09-14 at 15.16.11]

Special Guests and Activities

On ⁤Friday, Hernán Urra from Rionegro, who won his third silver medal at the Paralympic Games, visited the Radio ‌Rio Negro trailer. This Saturday, Chief⁣ of Staff,​ Maria‌ “Tana” Pasqualini, will visit the radio station to⁢ share her​ insights⁣ on how ⁤the event, which brings together writers and readers from ⁢the region and country, has developed.

[Image: Neuquen Feria del Libro RN Radio 24 foto Cecilia Maletti]

Don’t miss writer Gloria Kalfin, who will share ⁢details⁣ from his autobiography at the Ukraine ​Book Fair 2024. Additionally, writer and teacher Lily Muñoz ⁣will share her tips and anecdotes, and talk about her famous reading seminars “Publish data” and adult writing ‍and reading workshops.

Free⁢ Entrance and Activities

The exhibition entrance is free and ⁢open to⁢ all. This is one of the activities in the context of the Provincial Capital Construction Month. There is a school space, as well‍ as a series of lectures, group discussions, book⁤ displays, and teacher⁢ training ​sessions.

[Image: Neuquen Feria del Libro Dia 3 1 foto Cecilia Maletti]

Join the Fun!

So, mark your calendars for this ⁤Saturday, 14th​ September, and head to the Neuquén Book Fair 2024. ​Listen to Black ⁣River Radio Station’s live broadcast, meet the authors, and enjoy the various activities and events. ⁣Don’t⁤ forget to take part in the Rio Negro Radio Show and​ win movie tickets!

SEO Keywords: Black River Radio‌ Station, Neuquén Book Fair 2024, Rio Negro Radio Show



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