Rio de Janeiro must allow car inspection outside the dealership without loss of warranty

2023-05-19 14:07:00

While the federal government works for the return of the “popular car”; soon, Rio de Janeiro should allow cars to be serviced outside the dealership, without this causing loss of warranty. This is what Bill 3,795/18, by Deputy Rosenverg Reis (MDB), establishes.

The proposal was approved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) and now awaits sanction by Governor Cláudio Castro (PL). Although vehicles are the main impacted in the project, they are not the only type of product impacted.

The measure also applies to revisions and services performed on any durable bme, while included in the period that encompasses the contractual guarantee. In addition, the text establishes that the mandatory and safety items must be observed by the technical assistance or by the chosen workshop, provided that the replacement is required by the manufacturer or is within the coverage period.

The exchange of parts and other services will need to be duly detailed on the invoice, with the need to be attached to the durable good manual. To complete, the replaced parts must be original or recommended by the manufacturer, with the possibility of applying a fine if the standard is not followed.

“The Federal Constitution ensures that no one can be compelled to perform services in certain establishments. So we must ensure that owners of new cars, under warranty, can be unconcerned regarding losing that security.”

Rosenverg rice

State deputy and author of PL 3.795/18

The text goes to Governor Cláudio Castro, who will have a period of up to 15 working days to sanction or veto Bill 3,795/18.

So, what is your assessment of the proposal approved by Alerj for drivers in Rio de Janeiro? Tell us in the space provided for comments.

#Rio #Janeiro #car #inspection #dealership #loss #warranty



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