Ring in the New Year with Rituals and Superstitions: From Pink Panties to 12 Grapes, the December 31 Traditions That Bring Luck and Love in 2024

2023-12-27 23:56:57

He December 31 We say goodbye to one year and welcome another, in this case, 2024.

It is the time when each one has a ritual to exorcise the bad and express the expectations for the next 365 days (366, actually, because this beginning year is a leap year).

And yes, it is a reality. It is a special date – and a celebration – in which the little superstitious person within us emerges.

There are rituals with salt to attract money, brand new pink panties (red or yellow, depending on the country) to promote fertility and good luck, take a glass of water through the window or take away go out to the floor and sweep it out to expel bad waves.

And also the colors What we choose to wear makes its mystical contribution to the celebration.

The classic is to wait for the new year dressed in blanco to attract positive energies. a garment yellow call money, a azul means request for peace and protection, something verde if we ask for health.

An old tradition is to eat 12 grapes when the year changes. Photo: Shutterstock.

A tradition is to eat 12 grapes making a wish for each one, while the 12 bells ring.

Complicated, because this moment coincides with the toast, but you have to try to have 365 positive days.

And there are other unusual actions such as leave with a suitcase to go for a walk around the block. Who do it? Obviously, those who want to travel.

And among the most exotic rituals is that of get under the table.

What does it mean to get under the table on December 31

If there is something that we all usually ask for at this time, it is AMOR. So with capital letters. Whoever does not have it, asks for it to arrive; Those who have it demand that it continue without the passion going out.

And for this there is this ritual of getting under the table, what It’s fashionable, it’s funny and many say it’s very cash.

Generally, it is young people who put it into practice, because they are the ones who ask to know a boyfriend or a girlfriend May you love and accompany them. And also because they are more flexible.

But with a small effort, the elders usually join in since belief gives, to this ritualthe power to allow us to find love or improve the one we already have.

The ritual of getting under the table is to ask for a boyfriend or girlfriend in the coming year. Photo: Shutterstock

However, this ritual also involves a sacrifice. The thing is that whoever puts it into practice cannot join the famous custom of eating the 12 grapes.

Because? Because tradition assures that you have to get high under the table when the ringing first bell that announces the new year…

Although you always have the option of taking them with you and eating them under the table, as the site suggests Terra.

By amorby health and by money we are capable of doing anything.

So, we can take advantage of doing this ritual wearing a yellow or gold garment (to guarantee the income of money); red (to improve the vibes that surround us) or green (to stimulate good health).

If everything goes well, at next year’s reunion we will be a couple and we will have enough money to pay for the family dinner, sparkling wine included. Luck!

#table #Years #Eve



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