Rimini Unplugged: A Vibrant Festival of Culinary Delights, Melodies, and Scenic Adventures at the Harbor

After the public success achieved in the first edition, the second day dedicated to thanksgiving for the entire territory, for all the operators in the sector and for all those who have contributed to the success of this magnificent Rimini summer, tourists and Rimini residents themselves, is fast approaching. Sunday 15 September 2024, from 5:30 pm, all the citizens, tourists, operators in the territory, will gather at the Port of Rimini – in Piazzale Boscovich – on the occasion of the second edition of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia. Because once the season is over … another one opens immediately”: the event, born from an idea of ​​the bishop of Rimini and organized by Rimini’s tourist operators, trade associations and public and private bodies.

The event “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia. Because once the season is over … another one starts right away” will start at 5:30 pm with the Flyboard exhibition by Michele Rizzo of the “Circolo Velico di Torre Pedrera” and Jet Riders. Exciting acrobatics and pure adrenaline from the water to the sky. From 6 pm, it is already time for music together and partying with DJ Gilberto Gattei, Giorgia Battarra & Friends. A Rimini party organized at the Port cannot miss out on product tastings. The evening will continue from 7:30 pm with tastings of local food, distributed in food stands. To conclude such a significant and inclusive day, a prayer for Peace with the bishop of Rimini Nicolò Anselmi is scheduled for 10 pm.

“Rimini in Festa Ringrazia” is a day not to be missed, which since its first edition is destined to enter the hearts of all participants and which is a candidate to become a fixed appointment for the entire Rimini community.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related ⁤to the ​title “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia: Celebrating a Successful Summer Season”:

Rimini in Festa Ringrazia: Celebrating a ⁢Successful ⁣Summer Season

The coastal city of Rimini is gearing up to​ host the second edition ​of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia,” a​ celebration of gratitude for the entire territory,⁣ its operators, and‍ all‍ those who contributed to the success of this‍ year’s ⁢summer​ season [[1][[2]]. ​This exciting event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at the Port of Rimini, specifically in Piazzale Boscovich.

An Event Born from the ⁣Bishop’s Idea

The concept of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia” was born from an idea of the Bishop ‌of Rimini, with the aim ‌of bringing together citizens, tourists, and⁤ operators in ‌the territory to express gratitude for ⁤the success of the summer season [[3]]. The event is organized by Rimini’s tourist operators, trade associations,⁢ and public and private ⁢bodies, demonstrating ⁤the collaborative spirit of the community.

A Fun-Filled Afternoon and Evening

The celebration will kick off ​at 5:30 pm⁤ with a thrilling Flyboard​ exhibition by Michele Rizzo of the “Circolo Velico di Torre Pedrera” and Jet​ Riders, showcasing heart-stopping acrobatics and adrenaline-pumping stunts from the water to the ⁢sky. Following this, from 6 pm, the‌ party​ will get⁢ underway with music‍ and dancing, led by DJ Gilberto Gattei and Gior.

A Gastronomic Delight

In addition to the exciting performances, the ⁣event will feature gastronomic stands offering a variety ⁢of delicious food and ⁤drinks, allowing attendees to indulge in the flavors of Rimini while⁣ enjoying the festive ‍atmosphere.

A⁤ Celebration of Thanksgiving and Anticipation

“Rimini in Festa Ringrazia” is‍ not only a celebration of the successful summer season but also a time to look forward to the next one, as the event’s slogan puts it, “Because once the season is over … another one opens immediately.” This event embodies ⁢the spirit of gratitude and anticipation, acknowledging the efforts of those who contributed to ‍the success of the summer season while eagerly awaiting the next one.

Join⁢ the Celebration!

Mark your calendars ‌for Sunday, September ​15, 2024, and head to the Port of ‍Rimini to experience the joy and excitement of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia.” Don’t miss this unique​ opportunity to come together with the local community, tourists, and⁤ operators in the territory to celebrate the beauty and charm of Rimini.


<a href="https://www.virgilio.it/italia/rimini/notizielocali/riminiinfestaringraziaalportoilritrovoconilvescovoeleesibizioniinflyboard-73946384.html”>[1]


<a‍ href="https://www.virgilio.it/italia/rimini/notizielocali/riminiinfestaringraziatornalamanifestazionenatadaunideadelvescovo-73949518.html”>[3]

What is the purpose of the “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia” event scheduled for September 15, 2024?

Rimini in Festa Ringrazia: Celebrating a Successful Summer Season

The coastal city of Rimini is gearing up to host the second edition of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia,” a celebration of gratitude for the entire territory, its operators, and all those who contributed to the success of this year’s summer season [[1][[2]]. This exciting event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at the Port of Rimini, specifically in Piazzale Boscovich.

An Event Born from the Bishop’s Idea

The concept of “Rimini in Festa Ringrazia” was born from an idea of the Bishop of Rimini, with the aim of bringing together citizens, tourists, and operators in the territory to express gratitude for the success of the summer season [[3]]. The event is organized by Rimini’s tourist operators, trade associations, and public and private bodies, demonstrating the collaborative spirit of the community.

A Fun-Filled Afternoon and Evening

The celebration will kick off at 5:30 pm with a thrilling Flyboard exhibition by Michele Rizzo of the “Circolo Velico di Torre Pedrera” and Jet Riders, showcasing heart-stopping acrobatics and adrenaline-pumping stunts from the water to the sky. Following this, from 6 pm, the party will get underway with music and dancing, led by DJ Gilberto Gattei and Giorgia Battarra & Friends.

A Gastronomic Delight

In addition to the exciting performances, the event will feature gastronomic stands offering a variety of delicious food and drinks, allowing attendees to indulge in the flavors of



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