Right yourself before the disaster!!.. Signs that your phone is hacked. Know them and know the correct way to deal in that case!

The spread of technology led at the same time to the spread of piracy, as the world began to live in an information war and everyone was looking for data collection and victory in that war for the strongest. Many applications aimed at collecting your data, which are used to steal your bank accounts or even their accounts on social networking sites, spread. It even reaches your personal photos, so you should pay close attention to the signs that appear on your phone and write it down as a pirate. During the next article, we will present the solutions that you have to follow in that case.

Signs that someone is spying on you

1- Existence of unusual activities on your various accounts.

2- Low performance of your phone.

3- Always close apps automatically

4- Note that there is a permanent redirect message.

5- The presence of anonymous messages and calls on the phone.

6- The speed of battery depletion.

7- The speed of depletion of the Internet package or calls.

8- The appearance of unknown applications on the phone.

9- Overheating of the phone.

The solution when hacking the phone penetration detection

1- Change the passwords for the accounts and replace them with new strong passwords.

2- Starting two-step verification: activating the password and linking it to your phone number or any trusted source, which is an important step to confirm your code request following entering the password.

3- Review the programs and uninstall all the applications that you do not remember that you have previously downloaded them.

4- Install antivirus software

5- Factory reset your phone.

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