“Right to care” initiative launched | Austrian Health

2023-05-12 09:31:21

Time – money – quality are the core points of the care initiative of the ÖGKV. If these points are met, the right to care for all Austrians is also secured in the future.

Vienna (OTS) Today, on International Nursing Day, the Austrian Health and Nursing Association (ÖGKV) launched the “Right to Nursing” nursing initiative.
At the moment, what has been predicted for a long time is happening: the health system in Austria is suffering in every nook and corner. Almost every day we read reports about staff shortages, nursing actions and treatments that cannot be carried out and patients who cannot be adequately cared for. This is scary for the population, but also for the professional caregivers.
All people in Austria must have easy access to professional care. It is not acceptable for people to muddle along with their illness and limitations until they can no longer do it – this is not reasonable for those affected or for their relatives!“, says ÖGKV President Elisabeth Potzmann. And continues: “However, the right to care also applies to colleagues. They must find conditions where they can exercise the right to practice their profession professionally.
With the “Right to care” initiative, the ÖGKV demands the right to care for everyone in Austria. The conditions for this must now finally be created. In its petition, the ÖGKV explains what it takes: TIME – MONEY – QUALITY.
TIME is important when it comes to human life and health. That is why help and care must be organized easily, quickly and clearly.
The expansion of a better supply structure and better framework conditions require MONEY, which must now finally be taken into hand. The payment of professional nurses must be significantly improved.
The lack of staff in nursing must be remedied by modern working conditions and roster security. Good working conditions enable good QUALITY of work.
Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel, President of the community of caring relatives (IG-Pflege) also supports the demands of the ÖGKV: “The community of caring relatives is the voice for almost 1 million caring relatives. It is they who are extremely dependent on being supported by professional caregivers in many areas rather than simply being left to their fate. Due to the lack of opportunities for professional support, there have recently been more and more dramatic situations in home care – and more often in care facilities where there are no nursing staff. In fact, they are the most important support, no matter what the health and care sector.”
This is also confirmed by Waltraud Duven, Deputy Chairwoman of the Federal Association of Self-Help Austria (BVSHOE): “We know the numerous challenges and hurdles that people in need of care and their relatives face when coping with their illness and everyday life in Austria. There is currently a dramatic situation that patients in need of care in Austria are not being adequately cared for. Patients need professional caregivers and a well-developed and appropriately equipped care structure. Therefore we support the demands and the initiative “Right to Care” of the ÖGKV.”
For these reasons, we ask all Austrians to support the petition “Right to care” with their signature. “Help us so that we can help you!” says Potzmann.

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Questions & contact:

Austrian Health and Nursing Association
Kerstin Meisterl
public relation
01/478 24 10- 17

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