Ricardo Salinas promotes Apple

  • The action of Ricardo Salinas reminds us that, above celebrities, real consumers, even communicators are more effective in influencing networks, according to PR Week.

  • Izea ensures that the price of a post on Twitter by a influencer part of the 422 dollars (29 thousand 169.44 Mexican pesos).

  • Along with Ricardo Salinas, Elon Musk is another billionaire who uses social networks to communicate with messages related to his peculiar way of interacting.

Writing on social networks about a brand when you have a million followers can turn into unexpected promotion if you are Ricardo Salinasrecommending buying a iPhone Pro Maxgiving away a mention that could be worth thousands of dollars to Appleaccording to estimates that specialized platforms make in this regard.

And study conducted by aunt measured the change in cost per post within three key social networks and found that a post on Twitterwhere Ricardo Salinas did the free promotion of Applethe average cost has increased from 34 dollars a $422 (about 29 thousand 169.44 Mexican pesos).

This increase has meant an unexpected growth in networks, where personalities with millions of followers, as is the case of the Salinas account, have established benchmarks of what personalities are like on social networks where we see cases of activism, influencersmedia personalities and entrepreneurs who take advantage of these media to move their personal brands. Ricardo Salinas and of Elon Musk they test positive in this category, specifically because of their unique way of interacting.

Personalities and social networks

A few paragraphs ago we talked about the type of personalities we see on social networks and depending on which profiles manage to stand out on these platforms. We are talking about specific profiles, among which we include media personalities, users who do activism and billionaires who have become popular on these networks, such as Salinas and Musk.

In a study conducted by PR Weekthe firm specified what types of influencers they are the most effective in social networks and although we can think of a Luisito Comunica or a Yuya, the firm goes further and includes in this phenomenon all users, who, due to their role, manage to activate a message on social networks in a unique way.

Within the study it is noted that there are two powerful influencers in the networking market: news anchors and well-known journalists, 26 percent, and consumers, 25 percent. Celebrities only rank at 18 percent as effective media influencers.

The fact that a study places consumers above the celebrities with the greatest proven influence on networks, makes a billionaire, with more than a million followers in Twitterbecome the best brand ambassador of Applewith a free promotion from your consumer role.

Unexpected influence on networks

The communication that takes place in social networks has motivated even personalities such as Carlos Rioscampaigns like #RealFooding with which he sold out the edamames in supermarket chains such as Mercadona. At the time it had about 850 thousand followers in Instagram.

This case is an example of how users become triggers of trends in social networks and the challenge is not minor, having this type of mention speeds up a lot of work that could even take years to achieve.

There is, without a doubt, a very important digital concept and that is to be prepared for the unexpected within social networks, which is why it is crucial for departments in these areas to have a first-aid kit for unexpected situations.

And it is that everything, absolutely everything communicates and is magnified in networks. This simple rule has become a maxim that seems to trigger trends that were measurements by Cure Media. The firm realized that the influencer content formats most used by UK marketers in 2022 are sponsored content, 17 percent; social media takeover, 16 percent; brand ambassadors, 16 percent; competencies and giveaways, 14 percent.

Organic is synonymous with unexpected actions on social networks. The case of Ricardo Salinas promoting before the more than a million followers that he adds to his account Twitteris an example of how a simple mention has become the best promotion in the hands of a influencer.

This figure of networks has diversified and to the extent that the specialized talent that each of these personalities adds is recognized, whether it is a consumer, a communicator or a celebrity, in that proportion it will be the success of a brand that communicates in a the hand of these figures.

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