Ricardo Alfonsín reveals reasons for leaving UCR and criticizes the government again

2024-09-01 00:00:00

Former ambassador to Spain officially quits activism Ricardo Alfonsín He said on Saturday that he was leaving radical citizens union (UCR), but despite its disintegration, it still firmly retains the “ideas” of the century-old party that has been historically determined. The leader is currently working to form a New “centre-left” political space with the groups Libres del Sur and Forjain order to build an alternative to Peronism, of course officialdomAlfonsín described his government as “The most reactionary since democracy so far”.

“If joining a political party is the beginning of transforming ideas and values ​​into plans, then I have not left the political party. Those who left are the ones who made the game what it is now. I didn’t leave, I don’t care about Nianzhong”, Alfonsín said in a radio conversation Excellent AM990.

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The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Along these lines, the former legislator said he would form a Libres del Sur and Forja’s new “centre-left” front.

There is a large segment of the electorate that is not Peronist but does not want to vote for the right. They are not anti-Peronists. We are not creatures of gorilla space. We are a center-left space, I’m not afraid to say that,” he explained.

The former ambassador also spoke about the current situation of UCR and noted: “They created a void for the current owner of the space, Martín Lousteau”.

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Ricardo Alfonsín blames Macri and Millay

Ricardo Alfonsín. Photo: NA/X@ricalfonsin

No one engages in self-criticism. Most people are satisfied with this opposition. “It definitely disappoints me,” Alphonse said.

The former state representative also mentioned the Frente Todos government and said: “(Mauricio) Macri’s management will be much worse than Alberto (Fernandez’s) management.”

“No one is self-critical,” Alfonsine said of UCR.

“Mistakes were made, but no government has to face difficulties. If JxC wins, things will be even worse“, after consideration.

Additionally, he describes the presidential administration Javier Miley It has been called “the most reactionary government since democracy.”

California / Kyrgyzstan

#Ricardo #Alfonsín #reveals #reasons #leaving #UCR #criticizes #government



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