Rhone Valley. Discovering the vineyards of Saint-Joseph and their intoxicating landscapes

It is 9 o’clock in front of the Saint-Désirat cellar. While the temperature is still cool, a group of about ten people are preparing to climb the Rochevine hillside. On the program: the discovery of Saint-Joseph, this historic wine from the northern Rhône Valley. Five kilometers of walking, with the reward of a tasting of the precious beverage. Welcome to one of the gourmet walks of Sandrine Defour, a guide specialized in oenology.

“It’s somewhere between a stroll and a hike… Here, it’s necessarily quite sporty, there’s a difference in altitude,” says Sandrine. As the group progresses through the vineyards, the landscape unfolds, with the Rhone Valley on one side, all the way to the Vercors, and on the other, Saint-Désirat, nestled in the hollow of a…



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