Rhône: a good vintage expected for Beaujolais this year despite quantities …

This year, in Beaujolais, the harvest is mixed, with a vintage of quality but low quantity. The cause is parasites and climatic hazards which disrupt the growth of the vines in the year 2024.

A good vintage of Beaujolais but in low quantities. While the harvest is ending these days in the Rhône vineyards, the harvest is overall a little less abundant in grapes than in other years. The cause is parasites and climatic hazards which disrupt the growth of the vines in the year 2024.

“A wonderful month of August”

However, the quality is there. “Very good quality because we had a fantastic month of August and then a harvest period from September 10 to the 25 which was overall very good, cool and beautiful weather so we were able to collect a harvest of quality”, explains Jean-Marc Lafont, president of Inter Beaujolais, guest of BFM Lyon this Monday October 1st.

The latter also spoke of the need to quickly adapt to climate change. “We are lucky, because Gamay is a grape variety that generally tolerates global warming well,” he explains.

And to continue: “despite everything we are suffering from it in a significant way, so we are studying in order to bring in other grape varieties (…) there are a certain number of experiments in progress”, confides the president of Inter Beaujolais .



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