Rewrite Title: A Personal Reflection on Hurricane Milton Hurricane Milton was a brutal storm that came in the third week of August, leaving behind massive destruction. Residents witnessed widespread devastation, with many of our homes being destroyed by

A man was miraculously rescued after spending several hours adrift at sea, clinging to a refrigerator, after Hurricane Milton.

United States Coast Guard received alert about a disabled fishing boat about 20 miles off John’s Pass and deployed search and rescue teams.

The captain of the ship, “Capt. “Dave” had gone out to repair a breakdown during the early hours of the morning, but the strong weather conditions caused by the hurricane left him adrift. Despite the difficult circumstances, he managed to send a distress signal before losing contact.

After an extensive search, a Coast Guard helicopter located the man Thursday afternoon, approximately 30 miles off Longboat Key. The man, who was wearing a life jacket, was rescued and rushed to a hospital for medical attention.

Officials stressed the importance of having proper safety equipment, such as life jackets and emergency locator devices, especially during inclement weather conditions. The captain survived a traumatic experience thanks to his bravery and the quick response of rescue teams.

Miraculous Rescue after Hurricane Milton

“This man survived in a terrifying scenario, even for the most experienced,” said Lt. Commander Dana Grady, head of the Sector St. Petersburg command center.

“To understand the severity of the hurricane conditions, we estimate that it experienced winds between 75 and 90 mph and waves of 20 to 25 feet for an extended period, including overnight. “His survival is due to his life jacket, his emergency locator beacon and the refrigerator.”

Hurricane Milton made landfall on Wednesday as a category 3 in Florida, with winds of up to 193 km/h, weakening to category 1 as it moved towards the sea. The number of victims left behind by the storm is still unknown.

#survives #Hurricane #Milton #clinging #refrigerator #sea



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