Revving Up Relief: Antioquia’s Innovative Vehicle Tax Fuels Fight Against Hunger

The governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón Cardona, gave an account of his months in office. Photo: Secretshot

for the first time The money collected from the vehicle tax in Antioquia has a specific destination: alleviating hunger of the Antiochians.

This is what the governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón Cardona, promised during his campaign, and this is what he has carried out. In an accountability message for his first months in office, he assured that the vehicle tax, the highest tax the department receives, has been allocated to alleviate the hunger of the most needy families in the region.

“We are investing your taxes in food packages for the most vulnerable population in the department with a focus on children, women and the elderly. “With the lullabies program we serve families with pregnant mothers and children between 0 and 5 years old to prevent child malnutrition,” he assured.

He added that with the Abaco foundation, which brings together the department’s food banks, 162 tons have been rescued that end up on “the tables of the most vulnerable Antioquians.”

Among these, older adults, indigenous children who, for the first time, have a differential diet in accordance with their traditions and customs. They are also invested in the payment of economic incentives for mothers who prepare food in public schools and who had never received a periodic and fixed remuneration for their services.

“Hunger is our common cause and you Antioquians have been in solidarity with our countrymen. On this earth we are moved to help others. God pay them!” said.

Security achievements and challenges

Governor Rendón insisted thathe ceasefire within the framework of the “total peace” proposed by President Gustavo Petro, “is a slap in the face for the citizens and an offense for our soldiers and police.”

“In this government, which I have the honor of presiding over by your mandate, We will persist that peace is built with the rule of law, justice and social opportunities. The other roads are just rugs full of roses to temporize with criminals,” he expressed.

He said that peace must be built by recognizing the work of leaders and social organizations that, from different areas, contribute to the development of the region. For this reason, the ‘Jóvenes Pa’lante’ program stood out.

“This is an initiative that motivates me because it recognizes the talent, cultural, academic, and sports activism of our young people, who have the task of bringing messages of drug prevention, coexistence, and mental health to public educational institutions. “These leaders receive financial remuneration for their work (…) while some reward bandits as peacemakers, we promote young people who choose to build and not destroy,” assured the departmental leader.

He also referred to the hard blows that, with the help of the Public Force, have been dealt to crime. Among these, the dejection of alias ‘the dwarf’, who with his criminal actions had plagued the northeast of the department and the death of the leader of the Gulf Clan, alias Zeus, who had amassed a great fortune on behalf of “crime and terror.” ”.

He recalled that those responsible for the massacre of “seven innocent workers in Rionegro” also fell.

Health and infrastructure

The Government of Antioquia has allocated nearly 31 billion pesos so that 23 hospital infrastructures in the department that were unfinished, some for 11 years, are finally delivered to the communities.

“Antioqueños in health: no more white elephants. “We have enough with the problems they put us in with the new health reform so that our hospitals have unfinished works,” express.

In infrastructure he referred to the progress in achieving resources to continue with the unfinished works of the Toyo Tunnel that were the responsibility of the Nation and which, thanks to its insistence, managed to have part of those sections transferred to it.

“This is how in the coming days we will sign the agreement with the National Government in which Antioquia will commit resources for 300 billion pesos to finish that sector, which means 2.8 km of open-air roads, a 1,500-meter tunnel and a 200 meter bridge he assured.

In addition, highlighted the construction of the José María Córdova airport road interchange, which will involve a private investment of 70 billion pesos and which today has progress of 40 percent: “This is an example of how powerful public-private partnerships are.”

“I will persist, Antioquians, in working to change the lives of our countrymen and make this beautiful territory transform,” he concluded in his message.

2024-10-10 18:11:00
#collection #vehicle #tax #Antioquia #helps #alleviate #hunger



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