Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat – Issue 2023/Special Issue 1 – Vol. 22 – Innovation in family firms

Page 11 à 20 : Maksim Belitski, Nada Rejeb, Caroline Mothe et Petra M. Moog – Innovation in Family Firms: Theories and Perspectives | Page 21 à 48 : Sami Basly et Amira Hammouda – Family members’ commitment to the firm and a firm’s exploratory innovation: the moderating effect of building a system of shared values | Page 49 à 68 : Christina Theodoraki, David B. Audretsch et Evangelos Pastelakos – The Moderating Effect of Family Firm on SME Innovativeness and Internationalization | Page 69 à 101 : Soumaya El Hayek Sfeir – Women’s involvement on family firm boards of directors and their role in family business succession as seen through the lens of socio-emotional wealth and goal setting theory | Page 103 à 132 : Marine Gouëdard, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre et Natalia Vershinina – Innovative postures in a family business: Family priorities driving resource (re)configuration.



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