Revolving Fund for SMEs: here is the notice for Campania SMEs – Incentivimpresa

The notice for the PMI Rotating Fund was published by the Campania Region on 23 September 2024. We are talking, as we will see in the following paragraphs, about one of the most interesting subsidized loans for all companies operating in Campania and intending to carry out innovative and/or strategic interventions for Strengthen the business.

The Revolving Fund for SMEs is created with community funds (ERDF) and aims to facilitate access to credit (a advantageous conditions) for Small and Medium Enterprises in the region. Let’s now find out more details about this important incentive.

Revolving Fund for SMEs: financial endowment and management body

The Revolving Fund for SMEs can boast a financial endowment of 93 million 460 thousand euros. A significant amount, which will be used for the PR FESR Campania 2021-2027.

As regards the managing entity, the Campania Region has identified, with DD n. 406 of 05/24/2024, Campania Development Spa.

Revolving Fund for SMEs: who can access it

All SMEs can access the Revolving Fund Small and Medium Enterprises who intend to carry out investment projects in their own local unit located in the Campania region. It follows, of course, that the beneficiary must have the full availability of the property within which the investment is made for the entire period of time necessary to carry out the intervention itself.

Revolving Fund for SMEs: financing amounts and conditions

The PMI Revolving Fund provides for the granting of a bank loan, plus a loan at a subsidized rate. The second covers the 30% of the total amount, which in any case can vary between a minimum of 500 thousand euros and a maximum of 1.5 million of euros.

An interesting aspect of the incentive provided by the PMI Revolving Fund is the duration of the overall financing: up to 8 yearsof which a maximum of 2 for use and pre-amortization.

Revolving Fund for SMEs: what does it finance?

What can absolutely be considered the strong point of the PMI Revolving Fund is the large number of interventions that can be financed with this facility. Let’s try to summarize, point by point, the actions eligible for financing:

  • Purchase or arrangement of the soil company, up to a maximum of 10% of the total amount;
  • Purchase or maintenance of manufacturedconstruction work and similar expenses;
  • Purchase of machinery, plants e equipment (obviously brand new);
  • Purchase of Patents, licenses, softwareand other intangible assets.

Revolving Fund for SMEs: applications and deadlines

In conclusion, let’s see what are the deadlines to respect for submitting the application to the PMI Revolving Fund:

  • The compilation of questions will be allowed starting from 24 October 2024 12:00 pm and until March 10, 2024 at 4:00 pm;
  • L’sending of the application will be allowed starting from the day November 8, 2024 at 12:00.

To ensure that you fill out the application correctly and thus obtain financing, it is always advisable to contact expert consultants. A precaution which applies to the PMI Revolving Fund and, more generally, to all non-repayable financing.



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