Revolutionizing Workplace Practices: The Evolution of Allowances, Punctuality Tracking, and the Innovative Triplet Policy

Sofia Zaharakis and Niki Kerameos gave clarifications on the Prime Minister’s government announcements at the TIF.

“The Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family is reforming and further strengthening the welfare state with an emphasis on supporting the Greek family and more effective support for vulnerable citizens”, the minister, Sofia Zaharaki, pointed out at the Inter-Ministerial Press Conference, specifying the measures related to the support of family, in harmonizing personal and professional life and in reforming the three basic welfare benefits paid by OPECA.

All changes to allowances, punctuality check and triplets

Three children: The advantages for 200,000 families

The Minister of Social Cohesion and Family announced the lifelong recognition of the status of three children in almost 200,000 thousand families.

“It was a decades-old request of the three children, as until now a family lost the rights of the three children, when a child reached adulthood or completed his studies” noted the Minister.

The certification will be done through a platform, which cross-references the registry data.

But what does the lifelong validity of the third child imply?

The quota for public sector recruitment to parents of three children is increased, so that it rises to the same percentage as parents with many children from 12% to 16% of all advertised positions.

At the same time, the benefits that apply to those with many children have already been extended to those with three children and with regard to their participation in the housing programs.

For example, in the “Spiti mou” program, the granting of loans to children with three children was at zero interest. Correspondingly to the other social housing programs.

Equally at the disposal of the vouchers for the nurseries three-child, multi-child and single-parent families had a common “bonus” of 40 points.

See here in detail all the changes in benefits, accuracy check and three children

#allowances #punctuality #check #triplets

– What are the key reforms ‍introduced by ‌Sofia Zaharakis and ​Niki Kerameos at the Thessaloniki International Fair?

Sofia Zaharakis and Niki Kerameos ‍Clarify Prime Minister’s‍ Government Announcements at TIF

Greek Minister of Social Cohesion and Family,‍ Sofia Zaharaki, and Education Minister Niki Kerameos recently addressed the press at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), shedding light on the Prime Minister’s government announcements. Zaharaki highlighted the ‌Ministry’s ​efforts​ to ⁤reform‍ and strengthen‌ the welfare state, with a focus on supporting Greek families and providing more effective support ⁢to vulnerable citizens.

Reforming the Welfare State: A Focus on ⁣Family and Vulnerable Citizens

The Minister⁣ emphasized the significance of⁣ supporting families and ensuring a better work-life balance. She outlined measures aimed at reforming the three‌ basic welfare benefits⁤ paid by the Organization of Pension Insurance (OPECA). Zaharaki also⁣ stressed the importance of harmonizing personal and professional life, acknowledging the challenges faced by modern families.

Changes to Allowances,⁣ Punctuality Check, and Triplets

One of the key announcements⁢ was the introduction ⁣of a new system ⁤for⁤ allowances,⁢ punctuality checks, and benefits for⁤ families with three or more children. This reform is expected to positively impact ​approximately 200,000 families across Greece.

Benefits for Families with Three Children:‌ A Lifelong ​Recognition

The Minister announced the lifelong recognition of the status of ⁢three children in almost 200,000 families. This move marks a significant departure from the previous system, ⁣where families lost the ⁤rights of ⁤the⁣ three children when a child reached​ adulthood or completed their studies.

To facilitate the certification process, a new​ platform ⁤will be‍ established, which will cross-reference registry data. ‌The lifelong validity of the third child will have several benefits, including:

⁣Increased quota for public⁤ sector ⁤recruitment to parents of ​three children, rising to the same percentage as ‍parents with many children (from 12% to 16% of all advertised positions)

Enhanced ⁤benefits for families with three or more children

Supporting Vulnerable Citizens: A‍ Key ⁤Priority

The Ministry ‍of Social ⁣Cohesion​ and Family is⁢ committed to providing more effective ​support to​ vulnerable citizens. Zaharaki outlined measures aimed at strengthening the ​welfare state, including reforms to‍ the ⁣pension system and social insurance.


The announcements made​ by Sofia Zaharaki and Niki ‍Kerameos at the TIF mark a ‌significant⁢ step forward in the Greek government’s efforts to ‍support families ‌and vulnerable citizens. The reforms to the welfare⁣ state, allowances, and benefits for families with three or more children are expected to have a positive impact on ​thousands of families across ​Greece.

Optimized ‌Keywords: Sofia Zaharakis, Niki Kerameos, Prime Minister’s government announcements, Thessaloniki ⁣International Fair (TIF), Ministry of Social Cohesion‌ and Family, Welfare state, Family support, Vulnerable citizens, Allowances, Punctuality check, ⁤Triplets, Benefits for⁢ families with three children, Lifelong recognition, Public⁣ sector recruitment, Pension system, Social insurance.

Note: This article is optimized for search engines ⁤with relevant​ keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, H3) to improve visibility and search‌ engine ranking.

What new benefits are being introduced for families with three children under the recent reforms by Sofia Zaharakis and Niki Kerameos?

Boosting Family Welfare: Sofia Zaharakis and Niki Kerameos Unveil Reforms at Thessaloniki International Fair

The Greek government has taken significant strides in strengthening the welfare state, with a focus on supporting the country’s families and vulnerable citizens. At the Thessaloniki International Fair, Minister of Social Cohesion and Family Sofia Zaharakis, along with Niki Kerameos, provided clarity on the Prime Minister’s government announcements.

Reforming the Welfare State: A Focus on Family and Vulnerable Citizens

Minister Zaharakis emphasized that the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family is committed to reforming and strengthening the welfare state, with a particular emphasis on supporting the Greek family and providing more effective support to vulnerable citizens. This includes measures aimed at harmonizing personal and professional life, as well as reforming the three basic welfare benefits paid by OPECA.

All Changes to Allowances, Punctuality Check, and Triplets

One of the key announcements made by Minister Zaharakis was the introduction of changes to allowances, punctuality checks, and triplets. The lifelong recognition of the status of three children in almost 200,000 families is a significant development, which will have far-reaching implications for these families.

Three Children: The Advantages for 200,000 Families

The certification process for three children will be done through a platform that cross-references registry data. This move is expected to bring numerous benefits to families with three children, including:

Increased quota for public sector recruitment to parents of three children, rising to 16% of all advertised positions

Extension of benefits to those with three children, including participation in housing programs

Zero-interest loans for children with three children under the “Spiti mou” program

Common “bonus” of 40 points for vouchers for nurseries

Key Reforms Introduced by Sofia Zaharakis and Niki Kerameos at the Thessaloniki International Fair

The reforms introduced by Ministers Zaharakis and Kerameos are designed to provide comprehensive support to families and vulnerable citizens. Some of the key reforms include:

Strengthening the welfare state through targeted measures

Harmonizing personal and professional life for families

Reforming the three basic welfare benefits paid by OPECA

Lifelong recognition of the status of three children in almost 200,000 families

Increased quota for public sector recruitment to parents of three children

Extension of benefits to those with three children, including participation in housing programs

The Greek government’s commitment to strengthening the welfare state and supporting families is a significant step forward in creating a more equitable and just society. The reforms introduced by Ministers Zaharakis and Kerameos are expected to have a positive impact on the lives of thousands of families and vulnerable citizens across the country.

Optimized Keywords:

Sofia Zaharakis

Niki Kerameos

Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family

Welfare state

Family support

Vulnerable citizens

Three children


Punctuality check


Public sector recruitment

Housing programs





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