Revolutionizing Vehicle Recycling: Promoting Sustainable Circular Economy in Europe

2023-07-20 20:03:24

Every year in Europe, more than 6 million vehicles end up being scrapped. Today, they are still almost entirely crushed. Less than 20% of end-of-life car plastic is recycled. Worse still, critical raw materials, such as rare earths, so valuable to electric motors, are generally not recovered at all. It is therefore urgent to better recycle vehicles, according to the European Commission, which wants to promote the circular economy in this sector.

Manufacturers of electric vehicles are particularly targeted by these new measures. They will have to design their cars in order to allow the total dismantling of the electric motor before destruction. Manufacturers will also have to provide clear and detailed instructions for replacing or removing components during the period of use and once the vehicle has become out of service.

Regarding the plastic used by the automotive industry in general, 25% must come from recycling, of which 25% must come from end-of-life vehicles.

#Circular #economy #Swiss #lab #advises #Europe #recycle #cars

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