Revolutionizing House Construction: FBR’s Hadrian X – The Miracle Machine That Builds Large Houses in 1 Day

2023-10-29 16:06:51

Automation has already invaded many parts of our lives and we use things on a daily basis that would have been unimaginable before. However, there are areas of everyday life where automation is not yet present at this level. In Hungary, for example, the construction industry is a particularly sensitive topic, where many people have been dreaming of a house-building machine or masonry machine for years. Of course, 3D printing has been a promise for quite some time, houses have already been printed in Dubai or the Netherlands. But it’s not that close to actually spreading. But now another opportunity has appeared on the market. FBR’s miracle machine builds especially large houses in 1 day This machine is a device that uses concrete blocks to build the walls of a house in a single day. The Australian company FBR has come up with a machine called the Hadrian X, which can be controlled by a tablet and lays the blocks one by one, following CAD models. You can also see in the embedded video that he lays down the blocks so quickly that there is no time for mortar. Thus, the machine dips the bottom of each block in construction glue before laying it down. In principle, this increases stability in addition to speed. And Hadrian X is not only capable of building simple shapes, even a curving wall is not a hopeless possibility. The FBR also tried to manage certain risks. So, for example, a so-called Dynamic Stabilization Technology (DST) is used to deal with wind or unexpected vibration. In principle, this constantly adjusts the end point of the robot so that it is always stable at the right point in the 3D space.

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