Revolutionizing Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Health Revolution Congress

2023-05-18 07:44:00

Technological development in recent years has reached a frenetic pace. New equipment and tools continually emerge, revolutionizing multiple aspects of our lives. Health care and life sciences is one of the areas in which all these innovations are having a greater impact, transforming the way of understanding health care and introducing changes that pose a horizon where personalized medicine and the use of artificial intelligence, fundamental keys are foreseen.

On Wednesday, May 17, the historic building of Llotja de Mar in Barcelona hosted the first edition of the Health Revolution Congressdriven by the Barcelona Health Hub and which has brought together 60 international speakers and 1,500 congressmen who have been speaking and addressing the most relevant issues on digital innovation in the hospital world and the pharmaceutical sector, as well as the need to develop new technological solutions that solve the challenges facing medium and long term health.

Artificial intelligence as a tool for sustainability

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant changes recently is the tremendous growth in artificial intelligence, which has gone from being a promise to becoming a reality. There are multiple fields in which it is already being used in the health sector, helping, among other issues, to carry out increasingly accurate diagnoses or even serving as a predictive element. “We are seeing the great potential of it but we still need more time to develop it. Although there is no doubt that with it it will be possible to improve people’s health”, explained César Velasco, director of Innovation and Digital Strategy at AstraZeneca, in one of the talks at the congress.

Velasco pointed out how artificial intelligence is currently being used in the pharmaceutical company to help in the recruitment of patients for clinical trials that are carried out and that is also allowing faster and faster diagnoses to be made. “But we still have to work to get all these solutions to the biomedical sector in a faster way and implement all this innovation.”

For his part, Cristian Pascual, president of Barcelona Health Hub, highlighted the great importance that the use of artificial intelligence in the field of health care will have in the future. “Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence and telemedicine will have the greatest impact on the entire healthcare ecosystem, allowing us to create a more sustainable model and offering us tools to help us be more effective so that in the future we can maintain the same level of care as we have today.”

The great potential of ChatGPT

Artificial intelligence has been explored in the field of health sciences for a long time, but until now its full potential had barely been scratched, developing specific algorithms that were capable of helping in the diagnosis of specific diseases or generating predictive models. to help anticipate crises and problems. But the irruption of ChatGPT in recent months has been a true revolution, generating concern and admiration at the same time.

Nick van Therheyden, a physicist and ECG consultant, is very clear that ChatGPT and artificial intelligence are not the enemy. “I encourage everyone to use it and experiment with it because it has great potential that will allow us to personalize medicine in a way never seen before. It is not Skynet, but an opportunity”. A sample of the fascination that this tool has created is that it has needed only two months to reach 100 million users, when Netflix has needed ten years; Twitter, six years and Gmail, five.

During his presentation, the expert physicist also pointed to the increasing complexity of artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPTpointing out how in its first version it worked with 117 million records while the third already did so with 175,000 million. “We also find that each time this tool has a greater capacity for creation. In the latest version, released in March of this year, it has already begun to use images and is capable, for example, of distinguishing unusual things in a photograph or even being able to distinguish the elements that compose it and offering us a new way of organization”.

In his presentation, Therheyden also pointed out the great potential that these tools have, highlighting how they can help in the empowerment of the patient by improving their health literacy and understanding of health processes, helping in the personalization of treatments and offering summaries and tests for patients. Medical students and residents among many other issues.

#Artificial #intelligence #GPT #chat #allies #Medicine



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