Revolutionizing Expense Management with AI and Mobile Technology: Insights from Industry Leader Jenji

2023-06-11 22:07:29 – What are the innovations on the Expense?

Pierre Queinnec: Jenji, following the takeover by Silae, has become one of the major players in Western Europe and specifically in France with a leading position in the market.

We brought a different way of doing things from other actors. The majority of solutions date from the 1990s, they have been modified to add functionality ” mobile », but were not designed from the start for a modern environment.

The rise of Jenji is due to the fact of having been designed for mobile, cloud, etc. The application works correctly everywhere in the world and especially offline.

Today, its technology, through AI, makes it possible, for example, to read a Korean ticket, translate it, extract information, detect fraud, etc.

We have invested in anomaly detection. When you are a large company with 300 to 400,000 expenses per month, it is important to bring innovation to scoring and detection models that will take the data and manage to deduce things from it. For example, refueling the day before RTT, no human will go to this level of detail.

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Pierre Queinnec: One of our guidelines is to manage to make the expense policy more understandable for employees. It seems very simple to say, but in reality, it is complicated.

Currently, an ETI or a multinational does not have the same policy depending on the country. For example, a German will be entitled to 15.40 euros for a lunch with alcohol, while a French person can claim 17.20 euros without alcohol.

It is necessary to succeed in creating circumstances in which the collaborator feels supervised, so that he does not incur expenses, which will be under-reimbursed therefollowing, because they do not fall within the framework provided by the company. This would create frustrations and problems. In the context of retaining talent, it is important to manage to make the overall experience satisfying.

It is necessary to go through prevention. Potentially, we can imagine asking our smartphone: “I want to invite a client to dinner at the restaurant tonight, how much am I entitled to per cover? What are the rules? »

Today, no one reads expense policies in detail. Employees do not want or do not have the time to do so.

We will succeed in being more proactive to avoid the deceptive effects of the employee. Which is technologically difficult.

The goal is to make the system as autonomous as possible. The problem is the same in a VSE as in a multinational, there is an issue of efficiency and compliance.

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