Revolutionizing Education: KAIST and NYU Unite for a Groundbreaking AI Degree Program

Joint Graduate School Degree Program Business Agreement in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

Agree to establish operating committee for joint degree program design within the year

business agreement on the 9th in Seoul to introduce a joint degree program in the field of artificial intelligence. From the left, NYU Vice President Elliot Borenstein, NYU Vice President Ragu Sundaram, NYU President Linda Mills, KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung, KAIST Board Chair Kim Myung-ja, and KAIST G-SCHOOL Dean Yeo Hyun-deok are taking a commemorative photo after signing the agreement. (Photo = Provided by KAIST) *Resale and DB prohibited” style=”float:; margin:0 auto;display:block;” check_caption=”Y” mode_we=”edit” arti_id=”NISI20240909_0001649858″/>

[서울=뉴시스] KAIST and New York University signed a business agreement on the 9th in Seoul to introduce a joint degree program in the field of artificial intelligence. From the left, NYU Vice President Elliot Borenstein, NYU Vice President Ragu Sundaram, NYU President Linda Mills, KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung, KAIST Board Chair Kim Myung-ja, and KAIST G-SCHOOL Dean Yeo Hyun-deok are taking a commemorative photo after signing the agreement. (Photo = Provided by KAIST) *Resale and DB prohibited

[대전=뉴시스] Reporter Kim Yang-su = The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and New York University have agreed to introduce a joint degree program in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

KAIST announced on the 9th that it signed a business agreement with New York University at the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul to introduce a joint degree program in the field of artificial intelligence.

The signing ceremony was attended by KAIST officials including President Lee Kwang-hyung, G-School Director Yeo Hyun-deok, New York University officials including President Linda G. Mills, Computer Science Professor Kyung-hyun Cho, and Executive Director of NYU-KAIST Innovation Research Institute Karin Pavese, as well as key figures from domestic companies.

The two schools, which have been operating joint research groups in various fields related to artificial intelligence and convergence, agreed to design a joint degree program for graduate school courses related to artificial intelligence based on this agreement and to establish an operating committee for this within the year.

A KAIST official said, “If the AI ​​joint degree program is implemented, we expect it to be an unprecedented, innovative experiment in which KAIST and New York University will join forces to create a single AI degree.”

The committee, which consists of an equal number of faculty members from both schools, will discuss comprehensive strategies necessary for operating the joint degree program, including ▲curriculum structure and course composition ▲course completion roadmap ▲calculation of the number of faculty and students ▲budget size analysis ▲calculation of the size and details of operating facilities ▲legal matters regarding accreditation.

We are also developing a new logo symbolizing the joint degree in artificial intelligence between KAIST and New York University.

The two schools expect that the joint degree program being promoted this time will contribute to improving education and research capabilities in the field of artificial intelligence and jointly discovering and nurturing talent in related fields where they are lacking, as well as creating an exemplary case of global education and research cooperation.

Under this agreement, students will receive support to gain top-level research experience by participating in various international joint research projects promoted by faculty from both universities.

Prior to this, KAIST and New York University signed a cooperation agreement in June 2022 to build a joint campus, and have been promoting campus sharing, joint research, and joint bachelor’s programs. They will also be implementing an exchange student system for undergraduate students starting in the second semester of the 2023 academic year.

Currently, 30 students from KAIST and 11 students from NYU have been selected through a competitive selection process. In the case of KAIST students, if they complete one of the six minor programs at NYU, they will receive a degree that states the completion of the minor upon graduation.

Based on the performance of the undergraduate exchange student program, the two schools have agreed to introduce a dual degree system for master’s and doctoral students, and are currently taking specific steps.

Linda Mills, President of New York University, said, “AI technology can play a major role in solving various social problems such as climate change, healthcare, and eliminating the educational gap,” and “The global talent that our two schools will cultivate will make innovative contributions to solving these social problems as well.”

KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung said, “In this era of global technological hegemony competition, the development of artificial intelligence technology is an essential element for countries and companies to secure competitiveness,” adding, “Through long-term cooperation with New York University, we will take the lead in fostering world-class, advanced talent who can innovatively apply and develop artificial intelligence in various fields.”

◎Sympathetic Media Newsis [email protected]

Here are some People Also Ask ⁤(PAA) related questions for⁤ the title “KAIST and NYU Join ‍Forces to Introduce ​Joint Graduate School Degree Program in Artificial Intelligence”:

KAIST and NYU⁣ Join Forces to Introduce Joint Graduate ​School Degree Program ‍in Artificial Intelligence

In a significant development in the ⁣field of artificial intelligence (AI), the⁣ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and New York University (NYU) have signed a business‍ agreement to introduce a ​joint degree program in⁤ AI. The⁣ agreement, signed on​ September 9, 2024, in Seoul, marks​ a significant milestone in the collaboration between the ​two universities.

Joint Degree Program in Artificial Intelligence

The joint degree program in AI is ​designed to provide students with a comprehensive​ education and research experience in the field of artificial intelligence. The program will be designed and implemented by an operating committee comprising an equal number of faculty members from both universities. The committee will discuss and‌ finalize the curriculum structure, ‌course composition, course completion roadmap, and other ⁣necessary details within the year.

Innovative Experiment in AI Education

According to a KAIST official, the joint AI degree program will be an unprecedented, ​innovative experiment‌ in which KAIST and NYU will join forces to create a single AI ⁢degree. The program aims to​ improve education and research ⁣capabilities in the field of AI and jointly discover ‍and nurture ‍talent in related fields where they are lacking.

Logo Development and Joint Research‍ Projects

As part ⁢of the agreement, a new logo symbolizing the joint‌ degree in AI between KAIST ​and NYU is being ‌developed. Additionally, students will receive support to gain top-level⁣ research experience by participating in various ‍international joint research‌ projects promoted by faculty from both ​universities.

Previous Collaborations and Future Plans

Prior to this agreement, KAIST and⁤ NYU signed a cooperation agreement in ​June 2022⁢ to build a joint campus, and have been promoting campus sharing, joint research, and joint bachelor’s programs. The two universities are also ​implementing an exchange student system for undergraduate students starting in the second semester ⁣of the 2023⁣ academic year.

Currently, 30 ​students from KAIST and 11 students ⁤from NYU have been selected through a competitive selection​ process. The two universities are planning to introduce a dual degree ‍system for master’s and doctoral students,​ and are currently taking specific steps to implement this plan.

President Linda Mills’ Remarks

Linda ‌Mills, President of New York University, emphasized the importance of AI technology in solving various social problems such as climate change, healthcare, and ​eliminating the educational gap. She highlighted​ the potential of⁤ the joint‌ degree program in AI to create an exemplary case ‌of global education and research ‍cooperation.

Joint Research and Entrepreneurship

The collaboration between KAIST ‌and NYU is not limited to education. The two universities are also creating a new, cross-continental nexus of innovation, discovery, and entrepreneurship [[3]]. This joint research and entrepreneurship initiative aims to foster collaboration‍ and innovation in AI and related fields.

the joint graduate school degree program in AI between KAIST and NYU marks a⁣ significant milestone in the ​collaboration between the⁢ two universities. The​ program has ⁣the potential to ⁤improve education and research‌ capabilities in ‌AI and create an exemplary​ case of global⁢ education‌ and research cooperation.





NYU-KAIST dual degree

Joint Graduate School Degree Program Business Agreement in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and New York University have recently signed a business agreement to introduce a joint graduate school degree program in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This innovative collaboration aims to create a single AI degree program, marking a significant milestone in global education and research cooperation.

Agree to Establish Operating Committee for Joint Degree Program Design within the Year

As part of the agreement, KAIST and New York University will establish an operating committee consisting of an equal number of faculty members from both schools. This committee will be responsible for designing a comprehensive strategy for operating the joint degree program, including curriculum structure, course composition, course completion roadmap, faculty and student numbers, budget size analysis, operating facility size, and legal matters regarding accreditation.

The committee will also develop a new logo symbolizing the joint degree in artificial intelligence between KAIST and New York University. This collaboration is expected to improve education and research capabilities in the field of AI, and jointly discover and nurture talent in related fields where they are lacking.

Benefits of the Joint Degree Program

Under this agreement, students will receive support to gain top-level research experience by participating in various international joint research projects promoted by faculty from both universities. This will provide students with a unique opportunity to work with leading researchers and academics in the field of AI, gaining valuable experience and insights that will prepare them for successful careers in the industry.

FAQs: KAIST and NYU Join Forces to Introduce Joint Graduate School Degree Program in Artificial Intelligence

  1. What is the purpose of the joint graduate school degree program in artificial intelligence between KAIST and New York University?

The purpose of the program is to create a single AI degree program that combines the expertise and resources of both universities, providing students with a comprehensive education and research experience in the field of AI.

  1. What are the benefits of the joint degree program for students?

Students will receive support to gain top-level research experience by participating in various international joint research projects, and will have the opportunity to work with leading researchers and academics in the field of AI.

  1. What are the key features of the operating committee established by KAIST and New York University?

The operating committee consists of an equal number of faculty members from both schools and is responsible



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