2023-09-08 15:43:30
Cancer treatment is experiencing several revolutions that we recount here with its main French players. To fully understand this revolution, we define cancer and first return to the classic treatments and their history: surgery (remove the tumor), radiotherapy (locally destroying cancer cells), chemotherapy (the weapon of mass destruction which intervenes in everything the body). Nine out of ten patients suffer heavily from it and it is only really effective for 10% of patients (Pascal Pujol, professor of genetics and cancer specialist).
To summarize, chemo doesn’t just attack cancer cells, but all cells.
In this episode, we discuss the revolutionary treatments that are currently revolutionizing oncology. First, immunotherapy, which increases survival dramatically. It activates our immune defenses to destroy tumor cells. Professor Eric Solary explains: “The current assessment of immunotherapy is that from the outset, the immunotherapies which appeared in the 2010s made it possible to save patients who were considered lost until then who had, for example, metastatic forms of very serious cancer that was thought to be irrecoverable. We realized that with this therapeutic approach, we might save these patients.”
In addition, the messenger RNA vaccine, whose development was accelerated by covid, also marks a major turning point. We are also looking at Artificial Intelligence.
A documentary of Rémi Dybowski Douatdirected by Anne Depelchin.
With :
Eric Solaryprofessor of hematology, director of research at the Gustave Roussy Institute
Anne Vincent Salomonanatomopathologiste
Pascal Pujoloncogeneticist
Alain EycheneDeputy Director of the INSERM Cancer Thematic Institute
Jean Emmanuel Bibaultradiotherapist oncologist
Camille Cerverapatient
Liens :
The Scientific Method Listen later
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