Revolutionary Road Temperature Reduction Studies Conducted by Saudi Arabia’s Roads Research Center

2023-06-04 15:54:57

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Director of the Quality Department at the Roads Authority, Eng. Abbas Al-Hazmi, revealed that several studies are being conducted at the Roads Research Center and Accelerated Paving Tests, affiliated to the Public Authority for Roads, to reduce temperatures on Saudi roads.

He continued: This laboratory was implemented by the Roads Authority, which is considered one of the advanced and unique facilities in the Middle East and has no equivalent in the Gulf region and the Middle East. It is concerned with everything new in the field of road materials, implementation methods and quality control procedures.

Regarding the complaint about the poor quality of some roads, and the high temperature compared to some countries, he said: “We have many studies being conducted in this center, including cooling the asphalt surfaces, as the temperatures in the asphalt pavements reach 75 degrees and more in the summer, and they are among the pavements that store heat.” During the day, it broadcasts it at night, and the study worked to try to reflect the sun’s rays, and thus the sidewalks store less heat.

He pointed out that the results are currently encouraging, as the decrease reaches 15 degrees, and the experiment took place in the city of Riyadh for a period of 3 months, in places that targeted human activity and vehicle traffic in a large way.

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