Revolutionary Road Improvement in Ñeembucú Boosts Access for 8,000 Local Residents

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications reports on multiple interventions on rural roads carried out in cooperation with local governments, in order to improve road infrastructure in the department of Ñeembucú, where 60% of its territory is covered by streams and waterways. The workshops benefit some 8,000 people, who have greater ease of movement.

These actions, carried out through District No. 12 of the MOPC, in coordination with the Government and the municipalities, covered strategic points and included profiling, patching and lifting platforms in various areas.

On the General Díaz – Costa Paraná – Paso de Patria section, platform profiling work was carried out yesterday, significantly improving trafficability in the area.

Likewise, on local roads in General Díaz, patching was carried out; the stretch that goes from Arroyo Hondo to Humaitá, the profiling of the platform on gravel, strengthening the connection between these localities.

On the stretch between Costa Rosado and Laguna Itá, profiling, patching and platform lifting works were carried out. The works were coordinated with the municipality of San Juan de Ñeembucú. The Pilar – Boquerón road in the direction of Humaitá was also improved, with platform profiling on gravel to optimize traffic conditions.

The operation was also carried out in the local sections of Desmochados, with patching of the platform.

The tasks undertaken are particularly important considering that more than 85% of the national road network is made up of dirt roads.

The country’s twelfth department, characterized by its extensive wetlands and bathed by the Paraná and Paraguay rivers, has geographical conditions that make road maintenance a permanent necessity, which demonstrates the commitment to improve the quality of life of the region’s inhabitants, facilitating their mobility and access to basic services and urban supply centers, says the Ministry of Public Works.

#Permanent #road #improvement #plan #Ñeembucú #facilitates #movement #residents
2024-09-07 14:20:12

Landlocked ⁣countries in North America

Road Infrastructure Development in Paraguay: A Key to Economic Growth and⁤ Accessibility

Paraguay, a landlocked country in South America, has ⁣been actively working on developing its road infrastructure⁣ to boost economic growth, improve⁣ accessibility, and ⁣enhance connectivity across its regions. In recent years, the country has made significant progress in upgrading its road network, with ⁢a focus on rural⁢ areas ⁤where 60% of the territory is covered by streams and waterways.

TOCSA: A Leading ⁤Player in Road Works

One of the key players in Paraguay’s road⁣ infrastructure development is TOCSA, a company established in ⁢1987‍ [[1]]. Over the years, TOCSA has specialized in ⁣road works, initially​ focusing on urban paving projects. Today, the company ⁤plays ‌a crucial‌ role in supporting the government’s efforts to​ improve the country’s road ⁣network.

Recent⁣ Projects and Interventions

Recently,‍ the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) has been actively⁢ involved in multiple interventions on rural roads in cooperation with local governments. These actions⁢ have covered strategic points and included profiling, patching, and ‍lifting platforms⁣ in⁢ various areas. For instance, the MOPC has carried out significant works on the General Díaz – Costa ⁢Paraná – Paso de Patria section, Local roads in General Díaz, the stretch⁢ between Costa ⁢Rosado‍ and ‍Laguna Itá, and the Pilar – Boquerón road in the direction of Humaitá ‌ [[query]].

Advancements in Ñeembucú Roadworks

In Ñeembucú, a department in southeastern Paraguay, the ⁣government ‌has made significant strides in improving road infrastructure. The rehabilitation⁣ of 38.4 km of road between Pilar city and Tebicuary river, plus a 4.3 km access road for Pilar and a ⁤1.2 km ⁣bridge,⁤ is a notable example [[2]]. This project is expected to greatly enhance ⁤connectivity and accessibility in the region.

Bidding Process for⁢ National Road Network Improvement

In July 2024, the MOPC received nine bids to improve 325.2 km of the national road network in Paraguay [[3]]. This development⁤ is⁢ a‌ significant step forward in the country’s⁣ efforts to upgrade its road infrastructure, which ‌is critical for economic growth,⁤ social development, and environmental sustainability.


Paraguay’s commitment to ⁢developing its road infrastructure ⁤is a vital step ⁢towards ⁢promoting economic​ growth, enhancing accessibility, and improving the quality of life for its⁣ citizens. With the support of companies like TOCSA⁣ and the government’s efforts to improve the national road ⁤network, Paraguay is well on its way⁤ to⁣ achieving its development goals.

Describe a problem paraguayans might face if paraguay did not have access to the iguaçu river

Road Infrastructure Development in Paraguay: A Key to Economic Growth and Accessibility

Paraguay, a landlocked country in South America, has been actively working on developing its road infrastructure to boost economic growth, improve accessibility, and enhance connectivity across its regions. In recent years, the country has made significant progress in upgrading its road network, with a focus on rural areas where 60% of the territory is covered by streams and waterways.

TOCSA: A Leading Player in Road Works

One of the key players in Paraguay’s road infrastructure development is TOCSA, a company established in 1987. Over the years, TOCSA has specialized in road works, initially focusing on urban paving projects. Today, the company plays a crucial role in supporting the government



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