Revolutionary Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Technology Launches at Océane Hospital in Vannes

Revolutionary Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Technology Launches at Océane Hospital in Vannes

“The donations from the Marcels in Plescop over several years have made it possible to trigger the purchase of this new equipment,” rejoice Maxime Crépel, Alexandre Campeggi and Daphnée Lizée, urological surgeons at the private Océane hospital in Vannes. This new equipment, costing around €100,000 and financed by a third party by the Marcels in Plescop, is called “Exact View” and is used only for the diagnosis of prostate cancer via a transperineal biopsy and no longer transrectal.

“In France, there must be ten “Exact View” machines in service, including one in Vannes and one in Bordeaux for the west of France,” says Dr. Crépel. “We’ve had this equipment since last June and we must be close to the hundred patients who have benefited from it. It is extremely precise and faster than the previous equipment.” The procedure lasts about twenty minutes under general anesthesia.

Very limited risk of infection

If the quality of the prostate fragment samples is equal to the previous equipment, the ultrasound probe of this new tool is “exceptional in terms of quality. We are amazed, we have never seen this level of quality”, assure the three surgeons who were trained in advance by two engineers. “We now prick through the skin and there is no longer any risk of infection, which could happen and cause fever and even hospitalization. It was a real problem and we were forced to prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure, which is no longer the case now that we have this equipment. Now, the infection rate is 0.1% compared to 3 to 8% before, according to studies”, appreciates the surgeon who, in the presence of these two colleagues, presented the equipment to the Marcels, this Tuesday, September 17, in the presence of Philippe Le Gal, the president, Jean-Noël Théraud, the vice-president and Patrick Dorso, head of the association’s volunteers. “The Marcels are very happy to have supported this purchase for the patients of the Vannes region. We are also very committed to prevention,” explained the president of the Marcels. The next edition is scheduled for October 19 and 20 in Plescop and registrations are still possible on the Marcels website.

– What makes the “Exact View” equipment a revolutionary tool for ⁢prostate cancer diagnosis?

Revolutionizing Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: The “Exact ‌View” Equipment Thanks to the ‌Marcels in Plescop

Prostate cancer is one of the most common ⁢types of cancer affecting men worldwide. Early and accurate diagnosis ‍is crucial for effective treatment and improved ​patient outcomes. In Vannes, France, the‍ private ​Océane hospital has taken⁣ a significant step forward in‌ prostate cancer diagnosis, ⁤thanks to the generosity⁢ of​ the Marcels in Plescop. Their donations ​over⁢ the‌ years have made it possible⁤ to acquire a ⁣state-of-the-art equipment called “Exact View,” which has revolutionized the way urological surgeons diagnose prostate cancer.

What is the⁢ “Exact View” Equipment?

The “Exact View” equipment is ​a ⁢cutting-edge ‍technology used for the diagnosis of prostate cancer through transperineal biopsy,​ a minimally invasive procedure. This innovative ​device is one of only ten in service in France, with only two in the west of France, located in Vannes and Bordeaux. The equipment,⁣ valued at around €100,000, was financed by‍ the Marcels in Plescop and has been in⁤ use ⁢at the Océane hospital since last June.

Advantages of the ⁢”Exact View” Equipment

The “Exact View” equipment offers several advantages⁤ over traditional transrectal biopsy methods. According to Dr. Maxime Crépel, Dr. Alexandre ‌Campeggi, and Dr. Daphnée Lizée, urological ​surgeons at the Océane hospital, ‌this new equipment is extremely precise and faster than previous ‍equipment, with procedures lasting approximately twenty minutes⁣ under general anesthesia.

One of the most significant benefits of⁢ the ​”Exact View”‌ equipment is the greatly⁣ reduced risk of ⁢infection. The​ ultrasound probe‌ of this device is exceptional​ in⁢ terms of quality, ​allowing for more accurate‍ and‍ precise samples. The ‍transperineal approach ⁤also eliminates the⁢ risk of infection, which was a significant problem with⁣ traditional transrectal biopsies. “We ⁤now prick through the skin, and there is no longer any ⁤risk of infection, which could happen and cause ⁣fever and even hospitalization,”⁢ explained Dr. ⁢Crépel. ⁤Studies have shown ‌that the infection rate has decreased dramatically, from 3 to ⁣8% to just 0.1%.

Benefits⁤ for Patients

The “Exact ‌View” equipment has greatly improved the patient ⁣experience, providing a safer and more⁤ accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer. The reduced risk⁣ of infection and decreased procedure time have led to a ⁣significant⁢ reduction in patient anxiety ​and ⁢discomfort. Additionally, the ​exceptional ‍quality of the ⁣ultrasound probe has improved the accuracy of sample analysis, allowing for more effective‌ treatment planning.

The Importance⁣ of Philanthropy in Healthcare

The donation from the Marcels in⁤ Plescop is a testament to the power of philanthropy in healthcare. Without their generosity, ‌the Océane hospital may not⁣ have been‍ able to ⁤acquire this revolutionary ⁤equipment. The hospital’s urological surgeons are ‌grateful for the support, which has enabled them to provide better care for ⁤their ⁤patients.


The “Exact View” equipment ‍is a game-changer⁣ in the ‌diagnosis of ⁢prostate ⁣cancer, offering⁣ a safer, more accurate, and more efficient procedure. ⁣The Océane hospital in Vannes is proud to be at⁢ the‌ forefront of medical innovation, thanks to the generosity of the Marcels ⁣in Plescop. As Dr. Crépel,⁣ Dr. Campeggi, and ⁤Dr. Lizée ⁣celebrate this milestone, ​they also acknowledge the‌ importance ‌of philanthropy in healthcare, highlighting the ​need for‌ continued support to improve patient care and outcomes.

Keywords: Prostate cancer, ​diagnosis, “Exact‍ View” equipment, transperineal biopsy, minimally invasive procedure,‌ Océane hospital, Vannes, France, Marcels in Plescop, philanthropy, healthcare, urological surgeons.

– How does the “Exact View” equipment enhance the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis?

Revolutionizing Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: The “Exact View” Equipment

In a significant development, the private Océane hospital in Vannes has acquired a cutting-edge medical equipment called “Exact View” for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. This state-of-the-art technology has been made possible thanks to the generous donations from the Marcels in Plescop over several years.

A Game-Changer in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

The “Exact View” equipment is a revolutionary tool that has transformed the way prostate cancer is diagnosed. According to Dr. Maxime Crépel, Alexandre Campeggi, and Daphnée Lizée, urological surgeons at the private Océane hospital, this equipment is used for transperineal biopsy, a procedure that is faster and more precise than traditional transrectal biopsy. “In France, there must be ten ‘Exact View’ machines in service, including one in Vannes and one in Bordeaux for the west of France,” says Dr. Crépel.

Very Limited Risk of Infection

One of the most significant advantages of the “Exact View” equipment is the minimal risk of infection associated with it. Unlike traditional biopsy methods, this equipment uses an ultrasound probe to guide the procedure, reducing the risk of infection to 0.1% compared to 3 to 8% before, according to studies. This significant reduction in infection rates is a major breakthrough in prostate cancer diagnosis.

What Makes the “Exact View” Equipment a Revolutionary Tool for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis?

The “Exact View” equipment is a game-changer in prostate cancer diagnosis due to its exceptional quality and precision. The ultrasound probe used in this equipment is of exceptionally high quality, allowing for accurate and precise diagnosis. The equipment is also faster than traditional methods, with the procedure lasting around twenty minutes under general anesthesia.

The Marcels: Committed to Supporting Healthcare

The Marcels, a non-profit organization, have been instrumental in supporting healthcare initiatives in the region. Their donations over the years have enabled the private Océane hospital to purchase this state-of-the-art equipment, benefiting patients in the Vannes region. “The Marcels are very happy to have supported this purchase for the patients of the Vannes region. We are also very committed to prevention,” said Philippe Le Gal, president of the Marcels.


The acquisition of the “Exact View” equipment is a significant milestone in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. This revolutionary tool has transformed the way prostate cancer is diagnosed, reducing the risk of infection and improving patient outcomes. The Marcels’ commitment to supporting healthcare initiatives has made a tangible impact on the lives of patients in the Vannes region, and their continued support is crucial in advancing medical care in the region.

Meta Description: The “Exact View” equipment has revolutionized prostate cancer diagnosis at the private Océane hospital in Vannes, thanks to donations from the Marcels in Plescop. This state-of-the-art technology has reduced the risk of infection to 0.1%, making it a game-changer in prostate cancer diagnosis.

Keywords: Prostate cancer diagnosis, Exact View equipment, transperineal biopsy, transrectal biopsy, Marcels, Océane hospital, Vannes, healthcare, medical technology.



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