Revolutionary O3I Index Test for Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Canadian innovation

2023-11-20 11:10:38

Researchers have developed a more convenient way to measure blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids, an important biomarker of disease risk. This test, faster and simpler than its predecessors, will make it easier for healthcare professionals to obtain important information about cardiovascular and cognitive health, according to what was published by New Atlas, citing the journal Lipid Research.

O3I index

Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with many health benefits, but the human body does not produce enough of them naturally, so it needs to get them from food as well. Two of the main omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can only be extracted from certain sources such as oily fish, seafood and supplements.

The O3I index is the sum of the two main omega-3 acids, EPA and DHA, found in red blood cell membranes. O3I is a biomarker for cardiovascular disease, sudden cardiac death, inflammation and cognitive dysfunction, independent of traditional risk factors.

Canadian test

Current tests to measure O3I levels require a large blood draw and complex, time-consuming laboratory work to analyze omega-3 fatty acid content. As a result, most doctors do not routinely measure O3I. But researchers from McMaster University in Canada have succeeded in developing a simpler and more convenient test for this important biomarker.

In this context, Philip Bretz-McKibbin, one of the researchers involved in the study, said: “The O3I test is a complex procedure, so it is not routinely available to screen patients,” adding that the new Canadian test “would make routine testing more convenient.”

The researchers used MSI-NACE-MS to identify circulating phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylcholine PC, as surrogate biomarkers for O3I. This test provides faster results and only requires small amounts of blood to be taken.

Researcher Britz McKibben explained, “In general, if a person has an O3I level of less than 4%, there may be a greater risk of developing a cardiovascular-related disease. Conversely, individuals with an O3I higher than 8% have a lower risk.” “But since O31 is a modifiable risk factor, it can be changed through diet.”

Related Articles:  Find out which foods are rich in fatty acids to boost your immune system

Newly discovered biomarkers to measure O3I levels will facilitate the study of omega-3 fatty acids in people.

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