Revolutionary New Bridge Set to Strengthen Linkages with Brazil

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works points out that the construction of the bridge over the Monday River, in Alto Paraná, will not only improve the connection between Presidente Franco and Los Cedrales, but will also facilitate access to the Integration Bridge, thus strengthening the connection between the eastern city and neighboring Foz de Iguazú, in Brazil.

At this point, the MOPC reports that the work is progressing with the final phase of the camp and the construction of auxiliary roads to reach the riverbed, where the platforms will be installed to then proceed to the foundations. This is one of the main challenges because it is a rocky area. Above these roads that will be used to lower the machinery, the new 500-meter walkway will be erected.

The future bridge, which is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE), will be 500 meters long and 26.5 meters wide, and will connect the interurban access to Presidente Franco with a rural road that is almost 31 km long.

The infrastructure will have four carriageways of 3.60 metres each, accompanied by two internal shoulders of 1.30 metres and two external shoulders of 1.50 metres. In addition, it will include New Jersey-type barriers, as well as pedestrian paths and 2.50-metre bicycle lanes on both sides.

The project is being carried out by the Puente Monday Consortium, made up of Constructora Heisecke SA and Construpar SA, with a completion period of 18 months and supervised by the JYI Consortium.

#Construction #bridge #Monday #River #strengthen #connection #Brazil
2024-09-09 03:23:32

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International‌ Bridges Connecting Argentina and⁤ Paraguay: ⁣Strengthening Regional Connections

The construction of‌ new international bridges between Argentina and Paraguay is set to improve regional connectivity and facilitate trade between the two countries. In​ recent years, there have been ‍several proposals and⁣ developments in this ‍area, highlighting ⁤the importance of strengthening ​connections between ‍these neighboring nations.

New ‍International Bridge ‌Proposed between Argentina and Paraguay

In August⁢ 2024,‌ a ‌new international viaduct was proposed to ⁤link Candelaria and⁣ Campichuelo across the Paraná River in north-east Argentina [[1]]. This project aims to ​improve transportation infrastructure⁤ and promote ⁢economic development in the region. The​ Paraná ⁤River has long‌ been a natural barrier between Argentina and Paraguay, and the construction of a new bridge will help to bridge this gap and​ facilitate trade and tourism between the two countries.

Friendship ⁣Bridge: A Vital Link between Brazil and ⁢Paraguay

Another important bridge⁤ in the region is the Friendship Bridge, which connects the Brazilian ⁢city ⁣of Foz do Iguaçu and the​ Paraguayan city of Ciudad del⁤ Este⁣ [[2]]. This arch bridge has played a crucial role in promoting regional integration and facilitating trade between Brazil and Paraguay. The bridge has seen a steady stream of ⁤cars and ​pedestrians crossing the border, with ⁣many‌ travelers reporting⁢ a problem-free‌ entry into Paraguay ​ [[3]].

Monday River​ Bridge: A‍ Key Component of the Eastern Metropolitan ​Corridor

In Paraguay, the construction of the Monday River ⁢Bridge is underway, which will improve the connection between Presidente Franco⁢ and Los Cedrales, and ⁣facilitate access to​ the Integration Bridge⁢ [[4]]. This ‍new 500-meter long and 26.5 meters wide bridge is part ​of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE) and will connect the interurban access to Presidente ⁤Franco ⁣with a​ rural road that is almost 31 km long. The‍ bridge will not‍ only improve regional connectivity but also strengthen ‍the connection between the eastern city and neighboring Foz de Iguazú, in Brazil.

Regional Connectivity and Economic Development

The construction⁢ of new international bridges between Argentina and Paraguay is⁣ crucial for promoting regional connectivity and economic development. ‌These bridges will facilitate the transportation of goods and people, stimulating trade and tourism between the two countries. Improved infrastructure will also attract investment, create jobs, and boost economic growth in‌ the region.

the development of new international bridges between Argentina and Paraguay⁣ is a significant step towards strengthening‌ regional connections and promoting economic development. These bridges will ⁢play ​a vital role in facilitating trade, tourism, and investment between the two countries, and will have a positive impact‍ on the regional economy.



<a href="”>[2]

<a​ href="”>[3]

[4] ⁤ (Source: ‌IP Agency)

What are the benefits of building new international bridges between Argentina and Paraguay?

International Bridges Connecting Argentina and Paraguay: Strengthening Regional Connections

The construction of new international bridges between Argentina and Paraguay is set to improve regional connectivity and facilitate trade between the two countries. In recent years, there have been several proposals and developments in this area, highlighting the



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