Revolutionary Drug for Prostate Cancer Treatment: A Breakthrough in Medical Research

2023-10-17 09:51:00

Fatima Yasser wrote Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:51 PM

A recent study published in the British journal Nature revealed a new drug to treat prostate cancer, according to what was published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”. The researchers said that there are about 12,000 men with prostate cancer annually, and traditional treatments do not help in recovery, and the new drug has led to a reduction in the size of prostate cancer. Tumor in the prostate of more than 30%.

The new treatment showed signs of success in five of the men, who all had incurable prostate cancer, but who survived for more than six months without the cancer developing after receiving treatment.

The study indicated that the experimental drug helped only a quarter of men, perhaps because some people’s white blood cells are genetically different and difficult to target. Scientists are working on a better version of the drug, expressing their hope that this treatment will help people with other types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Which may also use white blood cells as a replacement for estrogen.

Professor Johan de Bono, senior author of the research from the London Institute of Cancer Research, said: “This research targets myeloid cells rather than the cancer cells themselves and could shrink tumors and benefit patients, suggesting that we have a completely new way of treating prostate cancer.”

The new drug for treating prostate cancer had been tested on mice, before scientists tried it on humans. This drug prevents white blood cells from being drawn into prostate tumors, by blocking the “entrance” on their surface that is targeted by chemical signals issued by the tumors.

New treatment for prostate cancer

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