Revolución Ciudadana Candidate Luisa González and Businessman Daniel Noboa Lead Ecuador’s Extraordinary Presidential Elections: Updates and Analysis

2023-08-21 02:53:20

The candidate of the Revolución Ciudadana movement, Luisa González, and the businessman Daniel Noboa lead the counting of the extraordinary presidential elections in Ecuador, after processing 67 percent of the votes.


Ecuadorians participate in electoral day

González, who is running for the Citizen Revolution movement, led by former President Rafael Correa (2007-2017), holds 33 percent of the vote, while Noboa has 24 percent.

In third position is the journalist Christian Zurita, substitute for Fernando Villavicencio, with 16 percent, while in fourth place is the security specialist businessman Jan Topic, with 14 percent.

The president of the CNE, Diana Atamaint, confirmed that with the trend observed so far, there will be no doubt that there will be a second round in October between the two candidates with the most votes, since to win in the first round, it was necessary to get at least 40 percent of the vote. votes and a difference of at least ten points over the rest.

In addition, he congratulated the Ecuadorian people for what he described as a historic day and thanked the forces of order for a day that passed without incident.

On the other hand, in his first statements after the start of the vote, González said that Ecuador “requires peace, work, security, that we be free again,” but also employment, education and medicine.

“We call for the unity of all Ecuadorians: private, public sector, all the forces of the country to build that vision of homeland that gives us decent conditions for all and not just a small group,” said González, who will be the first woman in the electoral history of Ecuador in disputing the ballot of the presidential elections.

He also said that they want 18 million Ecuadorians “with dignity” and asserted that the “homeland will return with hope, dignity and security,” while pointing out that he feels “immense joy” and rejected what he called a dirty campaign “against him, of the Citizen Revolution and her status as a woman”.

She said she felt “deeply grateful because, so far in the scrutiny, they have won nearly 1.5 million more votes than whoever follows them.”

Luisa González reiterated that if she becomes President, she will strengthen democracy through institutions, which guarantees that there will be no extortion in the country, and stressed that Ecuador will once again have a government close to the people.

For his part, Daniel Noboa declared himself the rival of Luisa González to contest the second round of the extraordinary presidential elections in Ecuador, as both led the count with 25 percent of the votes counted and successive acknowledgments of defeat by of the other candidates.

Noboa highlighted in a press conference that he will be the one who has the opportunity to defeat correísmo in the runoff scheduled for Sunday, October 15: “It will not be the first time that a new project turns the political ‘establishment’ around. freshness in doing politics is what has brought us here”.

The candidate said that he believes “we have a great project and we carried out an excellent campaign in the territory. What we needed was to increase awareness and that was achieved with the debate,” he said.

Noboa affirmed that the only alliance he has is “with the people, and with that we will win the second round.”

The rest of the presidential candidates spoke out as the night progressed, acknowledging defeat and avoiding explicit support for either of the two remaining candidates.

Candidate profile

Luisa González Alcívar, as a candidate for president, is accompanied by Andrés Araúz in what is called Binomio de la Esperanza. In her political proposal, she has referred to transformations in Ecuador in a context of increasing violence.


According to González, “Ecuador is experiencing its bloodiest period. We owe this to the total abandonment of an inept government and to a state taken over by the mafias”, for which he assured that his government will allocate substantial budgets to strengthen national security.

The first female candidate of the Citizen Revolution who comes from the rural area, from a sector of the coastal province of Manabí called Canuto, has been part of the Ecuadorian public administration since 2016, serving as General Undersecretary of Public Administration.

In 2017, she was appointed advisor at Correos del Ecuador, consul general of Ecuador in Alicante, Spain, and general secretary of the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance.

He assures that he will support the idea of ​​strengthening the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), as proposed by the Brazilian president, Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva.

In her presidential proposal for the period 2023-2025 in the event of winning the presidential elections, Luisa González has stated that the objective of the government plan will be focused on “achieving good living in a fair and egalitarian democracy, with a plurinational and intercultural State of rights and justice, that promotes our freedoms, capacities and aspirations in a supportive society and with equal economic, political, cultural and ecological opportunities so that all Ecuadorians can walk together, following the road map outlined in the Constitution of the Republic”.

Other priorities declared by the candidate for president of Ecuador are attention to women and girls, “decolonial, plurinational and intercultural justice, as well as economic justice with equal opportunities.”

For his part, the other candidate who will go to the ballot is Daniel Noboa Azin for ADN of the People, Equality and Democracy (PID) and Mover movements, who was an assembly member for Santa Elena.

The 35-year-old presidential candidate is the son of businessman and five-time presidential candidate Álvaro Noboa, has not hidden his goal of promoting activities such as mining.

“Communities close to extraction areas deserve immediate attention from the State with public investment and education, giving them real development opportunities,” he said.

With proposals that also focus on a competitive economy through the tax system, fuel, water and electricity, Noboa defends the militarization of borders. One of his proposals would be the creation of five prisons for minor crimes.

Daniel Noboa has declared himself “a businessman with social responsibility”, who will promote the arrival of foreign investment according to his statements.

For the candidate, the way in which violence in prisons would be reduced would be to exercise greater control and not focus on a change in the penitentiary and structural system of the country. “I don’t like to use El Salvador as an example, but I do Singapore, where a needle doesn’t move without being detected by cameras and scanners,” said Noboa, who declared that the most dangerous were sent to the high seas in “barge prisons.”

#Luisa #González #Daniel #Noboa #presidential #runoff #EcuadorNoticiasteleSUR

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