Reviving Ukraine: 3D Printing Construction Technology Rapidly Restores War-Damaged Homes and Schools

2023-09-21 21:00:15

UTU builds houses in Irpin area
Danish companies also restore schools, etc.
Industry: “We will open our doors with government support”

A bird’s eye view of a house to be built using 3D printing construction technology in Ukraine. Photo: UTU

[대한경제=김민수 기자]3D printing construction technology is being actively used in the reconstruction project of Ukrainian residential facilities destroyed by Russian bombing.

According to industry sources on the 21st, Ukrainian construction engineers are using 3D printing technology to quickly restore houses destroyed by war. Ukraine expects that 3D printing construction technology will be able to quickly restore vast areas destroyed by war.

3D printing is a next-generation architectural technology that prints materials mixed with mortar and creates buildings by layering them. Compared to existing construction methods, the advantage is that buildings of uniform quality can be built safely, quickly, and with less manpower. In particular, it is emerging as one of the key technologies for quickly rebuilding areas such as Ukraine and Turkicye, where residential facilities and infrastructure are in urgent need of restoration due to war or natural disasters.

In fact, last month, UTU, a Ukrainian construction 3D printing manufacturing company, recently completed construction of the walls of a 3D printed house in Irpin, a satellite city of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. This house was built with a total area of ​​130 m2 and a wall height of 3.5 m. UTU completed the walls in two weeks and expects the roof, windows, and interior to be completed within a month.

Not only local 3D printing construction companies in Ukraine, but also geographically neighboring Danish companies are actively participating in reconstruction projects.

Danish 3D printing construction companies 3DCP Group and COBOD participated in a project to build a school in Lviv, western Ukraine. This is a project to provide educational space to students who lost educational opportunities due to war.

This school is built with a total area of ​​370㎡ and one floor. These companies procure more than 90% of their 3D printing materials and all construction materials locally.

It is currently estimated that Ukraine has suffered physical damage worth approximately 970 trillion won due to the war. In particular, there is significant demand for reconstruction projects to restore emergency facilities such as schools, houses, and hospitals, so it is highly likely that 3D printing construction technology will be used more actively.

Korean 3D printing companies are also considering entering Ukraine’s reconstruction project, but visible results are still lacking. An official in the domestic 3D printing industry said, “We are considering ways to enter the Ukraine reconstruction project. However, such a project requires government support rather than 3D printing companies jumping in individually because the world situation must be taken into consideration.” .

Reporter Minsu Kim kms@

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Department of Construction Technology

Reporter Minsu Kim

[email protected]

#printing #architecture #rise #Ukraine #reconstruction

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