Reviving Mammoths: The Colossal Project Funded by a Billionaire Entrepreneur

2023-12-05 03:04:53

Friends must have seen the movie Jurassic Park. One of the biggest Hollywood movies of all time is regarding recreating the once extinct dinosaurs on Earth. Such an idea exists among scientists. There is an effort to bring mammoths, the largest species of the elephant family, back to Earth. Russian entrepreneur Andrey Melnichenko made the announcement at the climate summit in Dubai. Melnichenko’s goal is to bring mammoths to Siberia and recreate a situation in Russia 14,000 years ago.

Melnichenko is funding this with a startup called Colossal. The research has spent one and a half million US dollars. Their attempt is not to bring back the woolly mammoths of yesteryear. Rather, the goal is to recreate hybrids of woolly mammoths and Asian elephants on Earth. Asian elephants and mammoths shared a common ancestor. African elephants do not. Recently, an intact carcass of a mammoth was found in the frozen ice of Siberia and its genome was extracted. The goal of the scientists is to complete the research by making changes in this genetic structure through CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. Colossal is trying to bring their research to fruition in two to three years.

Scientists argue that if the mammoth elephants created in this way are left in the North Pole region, they will help fight climate change and maintain the ecological balance. Once upon a time, grasslands were available in the Arctic region. These snow-covered grasslands were the main source of food for the mammoths. These protect the permafrost and store atmospheric carbon to reduce emissions. But with the disappearance of the mammoths, grasslands were destroyed and mosses and other things grew in their place. With the arrival of new mammoth elephants, grasslands are said to return. This is the process of rewilding in eco-engineering.

Mammoths are huge creatures that disappeared in prehistoric times. Standing up to 13 feet tall and weighing up to 8000 kg, they belong to the elephant family with huge tusks and trunks. They were dominant in the Pleistocene period, which began twenty-five years ago and ended 11,000 years ago, on every continent except Australia and South America. But the most famous of these giants are the woolly mammoths found in Siberia and other arctic regions. Mammoths have become characters in many novels and films including the Ice Age series.

Mammoths later became extinct and were wiped off the face of the earth. There are many reasons for their extinction, such as lack of food, climate change, and excessive hunting by humans. The last mammoths in the world were on Wrangel Island, which shares the coast with the Arctic Ocean in Russia. 4,000 years ago, the mammoth era came to an end when they also died out.

English Summary:

Billionaire funds woolly mammoths revival project

#terrible #earth #Jurassic #Park #Reality #Extinct #Species #Revival #Deextinction #Technology #Woolly #Mammoths #Return #Pleistocene #Rewilding #Genetic #Engineering #Mammoths #CRISPRCas9 #Gene #Editing #Climate #Change #Solutions #EcoEngineering #Rewilding



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