Reviving Barongsai: Transforming KONI PON 2024 into a Milestone Event

<img class="zoomable" src=",quality=80,format=webp/" alt="KONI: PON 2024 Must Be Momentum for Barongsai Sports Revival”/>

Acehnese athletes from the Barongsai sports branch (cabor) in the Barongsai category wear traditional Acehnese costumes while taking part in the regional training camp (pelatda) for the XXI National Sports Week (PON) in Banda Aceh, Aceh, Tuesday (2/7). (ANTARA/IRWANSYAH PUTRA)

CHAIRMAN of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Marciano Norman said that the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) 2024 must be the revival of the barongsai sport in the future.

He revealed that regional level events must also be held to facilitate the development of the sport, so that it can attract potential athletes.

“Alhamdulillah, the barongsai sport branch will be competed for the first time at the 21st National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra 2024,” said Norman at the Mixed Martial Art (MMA) Building, Sport Center complex, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Wednesday (4/9), as reported by Between.

He further revealed that the development of the sport has been getting better in the last few years, as proven by the large number of provinces participating, namely 15 provinces out of a total of 38 provinces in Indonesia, even though it is still the first time.

Norman appreciates the hard work of the central and regional Executive Board of the Indonesian Barongsai Sports Federation (FOBI), which continues to strive to build regeneration of athletes from this sport.

“I always encourage the central management or the main management of sports branches to develop, so that every year there is progress,” said the retired three-star TNI general.

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Norman added, regarding the sports facilities that have been built during PON XXI this year, the management of FOBI North Sumatra and other sports branches must be able to make maximum use of sports building facilities such as MMA and others as a place to train and a center for developing regional athletes.

“So it is used well and the shortcomings are perfected, so that in the future North Sumatra can improve its achievements and be able to hold international events too,” he said.

FOBI was officially accepted as a member of KONI Pusat starting February 20, 2013. Now FOBI has administrators in 27 provinces throughout Indonesia.

Based on PB FOBI data, the total number of barongsai clubs or training centers throughout Indonesia reaches 500 clubs. As many as 300 of these clubs have become members of FOBI at the provincial or district/city level. (Z-6)

#KONI #PON #Momentum #Revival #Barongsai #Sports

Here are⁤ questions related to the title “The Rise of Barongsai: A New Era in⁤ Indonesian Sports”:

The Rise of Barongsai:​ A New Era in ⁣Indonesian Sports

In‌ recent years, Barongsai, a traditional Indonesian martial art, has been gaining momentum as a competitive‌ sport. With the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week ⁢(PON) around the corner, the sport is poised to take center stage. ‍According to Marciano Norman, Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), this event must be the revival of Barongsai in the future.

For the first time, Barongsai will be competed at the 21st National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra 2024, which is a significant milestone for the sport. ‍This development is a testament to the hard work⁣ of the central and regional Executive Board of the Indonesian Barongsai Sports Federation (FOBI), who have ⁤been striving to build ‍regeneration ‌of‍ athletes from this sport.

In fact, 15⁢ provinces out of‌ a total⁤ of 38 provinces in Indonesia‌ are participating in this year’s PON, despite it being the first time Barongsai is being featured as a competitive sport [[1]]. This​ impressive turnout underscores the growing interest in​ Barongsai and ​its potential to attract new athletes.

The success of Barongsai ⁢at the national​ level has also inspired regional⁢ teams to push for excellence. Recently, the Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) Barongsai team ⁢set its sights on competing at the international level in Hong Kong, scheduled for October 2024 [[2]]. This ambition is a reflection of the sport’s growth and the confidence of its athletes.

Aceh, in particular, has been making strides in Barongsai, with its athletes winning five medals at​ the recent PON XXI [[3]].​ This achievement is a testament to the province’s commitment to developing the sport and its athletes.

Norman emphasized the importance of regional-level events in facilitating the development of Barongsai, so that it can attract potential athletes. He also encouraged the central and regional management of sports branches to develop and utilize sports facilities, such as MMA and others, as training centers and hubs for developing regional athletes.

As ⁣Barongsai‌ continues to gain momentum, it is​ clear that the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) will be⁤ a pivotal moment‌ for the sport. With its inclusion as a competitive sport, Barongsai is poised to take its rightful place alongside other established sports in Indonesia.





Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title **”The Rise of Barongsai: A New Era in Indonesian Sports”**:

The Rise of Barongsai: A New Era in Indonesian Sports

In recent years, Barongsai, a traditional Indonesian martial art, has been gaining momentum as a competitive sport. With the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) around the corner, the sport is poised to take center stage. According to Marciano Norman, Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), this event must be the revival of Barongsai in the future.

For the first time, Barongsai will be competed at the 21st National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra 2024, which is a significant milestone for the sport. This development is a testament to the hard work of the central and regional Executive Board of the Indonesian Barongsai Sports Federation (FOBI), who have been striving to build regeneration of athletes from this sport.

Regional Participation and International Ambitions

In fact, 15 provinces out of a total of 38 provinces in Indonesia are participating in this year’s PON, despite it being the first time Barongsai is being featured as a competitive sport [[1]]. This impressive turnout underscores the growing interest in Barongsai and its potential to attract new athletes.

The success of Barongsai at the national level has also inspired regional teams to push for excellence. Recently, the Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) Barongsai team set its sights on competing at the international level in Hong Kong, scheduled for October 2024 [[2]]. This ambition is a reflection of the sport’s growth and the confidence of its athletes.

Aceh’s Achievements

Aceh, in particular, has been making strides in Barongsai, with its athletes winning five medals at the recent PON XXI [[3]]. This achievement is a testament to the province’s commitment to developing the sport and its athletes.

Developing Regional Athletes

Norman emphasized the importance of regional-level events in facilitating the development of Barongsai, so that it can attract potential athletes. He also encouraged the central and regional management



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