Revitalizing Values: The Emmaüs Community of Angers and Its Enduring Mission

After the new revelations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, the members of the Emmaüs Angers community want to distance themselves from the image of the man they considered their spiritual father. Despite the sadness and anger, the volunteers and companions want to perpetuate the movement’s values ​​of mutual aid.

This is a new shock. After a first cascade of revelations concerning sexual violence committed by Abbé Pierre, a new Slave came out at the end of last week. In total, 24 women accuse the co-founder of the Emmaüs movement of harassment or sexual assault between the 1950s and 2000s.

Following these recent accusations, the Abbé Pierre Foundation has announced that it wants to change its name. So, should we hide the figure of the man who has often been the French people’s favorite personality? In Saint-Léger-de-Linières, where the Emmaüs d’Angers community is located, it is time to raise awareness.

He was a great man, I can’t bring myself to believe it.


Volunteer with the Emmaus community in Angers

In the consignment center, Gérard sorts through some bags and other textiles that have just been donated to the community. A large portrait of Abbé Pierre overlooks him. Hanging on the walls of the workshop, the face of the religious man seems to watch over him.

This Tuesday, September 10, in the morning, Gérard struggles to believe the new accusations against the founder of Emmaüs. “He was a great man, I can’t come to terms with it,” he admits. It must be said that Abbé Pierre changed the retiree’s life: it was by joining the Angers community at the end of the 1990s that Gérard was able to find a roof over his head and a job.

For his part, Jacky assures that the challenge is to continue to defend the values ​​of Emmaüs without being tarnished by the now image of Abbé Pierre as a sexual predator. “It is not because the idea we had of him has gone that the movement should not continue”he insists.

A volunteer for nearly 20 years, he comes to lend a hand to the Angers community twice a week. A routine to which he is attached and from which he does not intend to part. “Emmaüs capitalized a lot on the image of Abbé Pierre, now we’re just going to have to manage without him”believes Jacky, convinced that the movement can continue to live, far from the figure of its founder.

Jacky has been a volunteer for almost 20 years with Emmaüs Angers. • © France 3 Pays de la Loire

Further on, Philippe takes care of receiving book donations. The retiree has been a member of the Angers community since its creation in 1982. He had even met Abbé Pierre when he came in 1996. This Tuesday, the volunteer says he is filled with sadness in the face of the new accusations. “These are crimes”he does not hesitate to emphasize in a serious tone.

However, for Philippe, there is no question of removing the name of Abbé Pierre from the Emmaüs logo: “We will indeed have to rethink the way we present the movement, but I don’t think we should completely ignore it. We must accept that it is at the origin of the creation of Emmaüs.”

There is no question of questioning the victims’ words.

Francoise Viault

Co-president of Emmaüs Angers

François Viault, co-president of Emmaüs Angers, says that the image of the community needs to be questioned. “Seeing the face of Abbé Pierre hanging everywhere on our walls can make some people suffer. And, as there is no question of questioning the victims’ words, we are going to take the time to see the reality in the face and draw conclusions.”she assures.

A meeting is therefore planned for Thursday, September 12, between members and leaders of the Angers community to discuss the future identity of this center.

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What impact⁢ do the recent sexual violence accusations against Abbé Pierre ‍have ⁤on the legacy of the Emmaüs movement?

Abbé Pierre: A ⁣Turbulent Legacy in the Face of Sexual Violence Accusations

The ⁣recent revelations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, the ⁣co-founder​ of the Emmaüs movement, have sent shockwaves throughout the community. The‍ members of the Emmaüs Angers community are grappling with ‍the consequences of ‍these accusations, struggling to ​reconcile their admiration for the​ man who inspired them with the ⁣disturbing⁤ allegations ‍against him.

Abbé Pierre, a prominent figure in 20th-century​ France,‍ was ​known ⁤for his tireless fight‌ against poverty, housing, hunger, work, and‍ healthcare‍ injustices [[2]]. His​ legacy, however, is now marred by the​ accusations ⁤of 24 women who claim to ‍have been harassed or sexually assaulted by him between the 1950s ⁤and 2000s.

The reaction from the Emmaüs Angers community is ‍one of sadness and anger. Volunteers ⁢and companions are struggling to come to terms with the new image of Abbé Pierre⁢ as a sexual‍ predator. Gérard, a volunteer with the community,⁤ admits, “He was a great man, I​ can’t bring myself to believe it” [[3]]. For him, the accusations are⁣ a betrayal of ⁣the trust‍ and ⁤admiration he had ⁢for Abbé Pierre, who had changed his life by providing him with a roof ⁤over his head and a⁢ job.

Despite the turmoil, the community is determined to perpetuate the ​values⁢ of⁢ mutual ‍aid⁣ that Abbé Pierre embodied. Jacky, ‍a volunteer for ‍nearly‍ 20 years,​ insists, “It is not because the idea we had of him has gone that the⁣ movement should ⁣not continue” [[3]]. He believes ⁤that the movement can​ continue to thrive, even‌ without the ‌figure ‌of its‍ founder.

The Abbé Pierre‍ Foundation has ⁢announced its intention to⁤ change its‍ name, distancing itself from ‍the tainted image ‍of its namesake. However, Philippe, a volunteer since the community’s creation in 1982,​ is hesitant to erase Abbé Pierre’s legacy⁢ entirely.‌ He argues, “We ‍will indeed have to rethink the ⁢way we present the movement, but I don’t ‌think ‌we should completely ignore it. We must accept that it is​ at the origin of the creation of Emmaüs” [[3]].

François ​Viault, ‍co-president ⁤of Emmaüs Angers, ‌echoes‍ this sentiment,​ emphasizing that there is no ⁢question ⁢of questioning the victims’ words. The community needs to raise awareness about the allegations and re-examine its image in the face of​ these⁣ accusations.

Abbé Pierre’s​ complex legacy serves as a​ reminder‌ that ‌even the most⁢ well-intentioned individuals can be flawed and ⁣that accountability is‌ essential, even for⁤ those who have inspired and⁣ helped countless people. The Emmaüs movement, founded on the principles of ​mutual aid and solidarity, will need to navigate this crisis while preserving ⁤the values that⁤ have made it a beacon‌ of hope for so many.

the recent ​allegations against ‌Abbé Pierre have shaken the Emmaüs community to its‌ core.​ While the community struggles to reconcile its admiration​ for the man with the disturbing accusations, it is clear that the ‍values of mutual aid and solidarity ⁣that Abbé Pierre ‌championed must continue⁤ to guide the movement⁢ forward.

Key ‌Takeaways:

Abbé Pierre, the co-founder of ‍the Emmaüs ⁣movement, ⁢has been accused ‍of sexual violence by 24 women.

The Emmaüs Angers community ‍is grappling with the consequences of ​these accusations, struggling to reconcile their admiration for Abbé Pierre with the disturbing allegations.

Despite the turmoil, the community is determined to⁢ perpetuate the values‌ of mutual aid that Abbé Pierre embodied.

The Abbé Pierre Foundation ​has announced its intention to change its name,‍ distancing​ itself from the tainted image of its⁤ namesake.

* The ⁣community needs to raise awareness about⁣ the allegations and re-examine its image in the face ⁤of these accusations.



What actions is the Emmaüs movement taking to address the allegations against Abbé Pierre while upholding its principles of mutual aid and social justice?

Abbé Pierre: The Dark Shadow of Sexual Violence Casts a Pall on the Emmaüs Movement

In a stunning revelation, the late Abbé Pierre, a French Catholic priest and founder of the Emmaüs movement, has been accused of sexual violence by 24 women. The allegations, which span several decades from the 1950s to the 2000s, have sent shockwaves through the Emmaüs community and beyond. As the news unfolds, the question on everyone’s mind is: how can the movement continue to perpetuate its values of mutual aid and social justice in the face of such heinous crimes?

The Abbé Pierre Foundation has announced its intention to change its name, a move seen as an attempt to distance itself from the tarnished image of its founder. However, for the members of the Emmaüs Angers community, the task ahead is more complex. They must come to terms with the fact that the man they considered their spiritual father was, in reality, a sexual predator.

Gérard, a volunteer with the Emmaus community in Angers, expressed his disbelief and sadness upon hearing the news. “He was a great man, I can’t bring myself to believe it,” he said. Jacky, another volunteer, emphasized the importance of continuing to defend the values of Emmaüs without being tainted by the image of Abbé Pierre as a sexual predator. “It is not because the idea we had of him has gone that the movement should not continue,” he insisted.

Francoise Viault, co-president of Emmaüs Angers, reiterated the organization’s commitment to supporting the victims. “There is no question of questioning the victims’ words,” she said. Philippe, a volunteer who has been a member of the Angers community since its creation in 1982, acknowledged the gravity of the situation, saying, “These are crimes.”

As the Emmaüs movement grapples with the fallout, one thing is clear: the values of mutual aid and social justice that Abbé Pierre once embodied must not be allowed to die. The movement must find a way to reconcile its past with its future, acknowledging the dark shadow of sexual violence that has been cast over its founder while continuing to uphold the principles that have made it a beacon of hope for so many.

In the words of Jacky, “Emmaüs capitalized a lot on the image of Abbé Pierre, now we’re just going to have to manage without him.” It is a daunting task, but one that is necessary to ensure that the movement can continue to inspire and uplift those in need.




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