Revitalizing the Neptune Tower: The Impressive Renovation Efforts in Mantes la Jolie

2023-06-17 17:16:01

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Valérie Pécresse, president of the Ile-de-France Region, was offered flowers by the co-owners of the Neptune residence, in Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines), Saturday June 17, 2023 on the occasion of her visit to Val Fourré. (©David Goudey/78 actu)

Some will say that the communication plan was perfectly orchestrated. The main interested parties did not shy away from their pleasure. It is with smiles, a lot of gratitude and even flowers that Valerie PécressePresident of the Ile-de-France Region, was welcomed on Saturday June 17, 2023, to Mantes la Jolie (Yvelines), by some of the co-owners of the tour Neptuneat Val Fourré.

In February 2020, the chosen one went here to observe and visit this famous tower of 17 floors (72 apartments) which he was told so much about. The old lady was still in a sad state. She had promised to come back.

Backup plan

The community chaired by Valérie Pécresse was, in fact, an important player in the renovation of Neptune Tower. Built in 1971, the building had been facing many disorders for several years. Since 2015, he has benefited from a backup plan to help the co-ownership to overcome its difficulties.

The Ile-de-France region partner for nearly €1 million

As part of the operation of requalification of degraded condominiums of national interest (ORCOD-IN), no less than €3.3 million was finally earmarked for its rehabilitation. An investment financed by several partners (National Housing Agency, Greater Paris Seine & Oise urban community, etc.), including the Île-de-France Region.

The latter devotes nearly €1 million to the project, focused on “a work program in common areas and assistance withengineeringin particular through support in management and in the initiation of legal and contentious procedures”.

Valérie Pécresse, here in discussion with Salem Mimouna (president of the union council of the co-ownership of the Neptune= residence and Raphaël Cognet (mayor of Mantes-la-Jolie
Valérie Pécresse, here in discussion with Salem Mimouna (president of the union council of the co-ownership of the Neptune= residence and Raphaël Cognet (mayor of Mantes-la-Jolie (©David Goudey/78 actu)

Emotion and recognition

The first works began in the spring of 2021. And the result “is impressive noted Valérie Pécresse, observing with amazement the difference between the Neptune tower and its twin, the Jupiter tower, which is doomed to demolition.

Salem Mimouna, the president of the union council, will not deny it. It is even with a certain emotion that the computer scientist welcomed the elected official at the foot of the building.

“What you did there is huge! Here, people see life differently. »

Salem MimounaPresident of the union council of the Neptune residence

“They see their turn differently too! smiled the president. The Region’s money has been well invested. »

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On the right, the Neptune Tower, where the co-owners have lived since the start of the renovation works.  On the left, its twin, the Jupiter tower, dedicated to demolition and in a sad state.
On the right, the Neptune Tower, where the co-owners have lived since the start of the renovation works. On the left, its twin, the Jupiter tower, dedicated to demolition and in a sad state. (©David Goudey/78 actu)

The sleep merchants, a scourge

Salem Mimouna was able to tell Valérie Pécresse how the Region’s competition had notably made it possible to contribute to driving out the sleep merchants. Residence of the Butte Verte, in the writers’ quarter, where the former minister had stopped before, the condominium is far from being rid of this scourge.

Here, three lessor owners would accumulate 20,000 € in arrears, while they rent their apartment to several roommates, “up to eight sometimes”, assures a member of the union council. ” It is scandalous ! », Assert Valérie Pécresse.

Of Val Fourre, Valérie Pécresse was able to contemplate the immensity and majesty from the top of the building. ” We want break this slab urbanism, all concrete, which has done a lot of harm to Ile-de-France, she underlined. We want to renovate and renature. The Region has invested €250 million in ANRU-2 (large-scale urban renewal on a regional scale). »

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