Revitalizing PASOK: Six Essential Pillars for a New Era of Governance

“Today the country needs a change of direction. With participation and democracy, for intersections and upheavals that will change the country’s governance system. Let’s finally talk clearly about the core of our society’s problems and not about the wrapper. Let’s express the many again. To create a Greece with pride and dignity”.

This is emphasized by the mayor of Athens and candidate for PASOK president, Haris Doukas, in his announcement, adding:

“Today we submit our political proposals so that they form the basis for the new Government Program of PASOK. Through open dialogue and processing with the competent bodies, the productive bodies, the local government, the scientific community, the unions, our members and friends.

We invite you to “condense” our lines and contribute with your opinions in the final formulation of the proposals.

The program serves 6 fundamental objectives-axes:

1st Axis: Social, economic and climate justice, the reduction of inequalities and poverty.

2nd Axis: Energy and digital democracy. The change of the governance model from a clientelistic and centralized one to a transparent, meritocratic, cooperative one.

3rd Axis: The sustainable transformation of our production model, to make it resistant to challenges.

4th Axis: The promotion of Knowledge, Education and Culture.

5th Axis: Security against the multiple risks that lead to crises and disasters.

6th Axis: National pride and maximizing our international role.

For a Greece for all and sundry”.

#goalsaxes #government #program #PASOK

**PAA Related Questions:**

PASOK’s Call to Action: A Change of Direction for Greece

In a pivotal⁤ moment ⁢for Greece, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement ‌(PASOK) is ​advocating for a⁢ radical shift in⁣ the​ country’s governance system. Haris Doukas, the⁢ mayor of Athens and ‍candidate for PASOK ⁤president, has ‍emphasized the need for a change of direction, urging for participation and democracy to tackle⁣ the ​core problems plaguing Greek society [[1]].

A New Era of Governance

Doukas’ announcement marks ​a significant departure ‍from the status quo, as PASOK aims⁢ to create a Greece‌ with pride and dignity.​ The party’s proposed government program focuses on six ‍fundamental objectives,⁢ designed ⁣to address the country’s most⁣ pressing‍ issues. These objectives‌ include social, ‌economic, and climate justice, reduction of inequality, and promotion of sustainable development ‌ [[2]].

Open Dialogue and⁣ Collaboration

What ‌sets PASOK’s approach apart is its commitment to open ‍dialogue and‍ collaboration.⁢ The party​ invites‍ individuals from various backgrounds, including‌ competent bodies, ‍productive bodies, local government,⁢ scientific community, unions,‍ and friends, to contribute their opinions and shape the final⁢ formulation of the proposals‍ [[3]]. This inclusive approach is a testament to PASOK’s dedication to democracy and participation.

A Brief History ​of PASOK

Founded in 1974, PASOK has ⁢a rich history as a radical Marxist-inspired party that called for the⁤ dissolution of⁢ Greece’s⁤ military dictatorship [[1]]. ⁤Over ⁢the years, the ⁣party has evolved, ‍becoming the largest left-of-center party in Greece‍ between⁢ 1977 and 2012 [[2]].

PASOK’s Evolution and Revival

In 2018, PASOK underwent a transformation, giving⁢ birth to the PASOK – Movement for ⁢Change alliance [[3]]. This revival marked a new era for the party, as ⁢it⁤ adapted to changing political landscapes ​and ‌societal needs.

A Call to Action

As ⁢Doukas so​ eloquently put it, “Let’s finally talk clearly about the core of‍ our society’s problems and not about the ‌wrapper. Let’s express the many again.” ⁤PASOK’s call to action is a beacon of hope for a Greece that can ​be proud and dignified.‌ It is‌ an invitation to all⁢ Greeks to come together, participate, and ‌contribute to shaping a ⁣better future ⁤for the country.


PASOK’s proposed‌ government program and commitment​ to open dialogue and collaboration offer a refreshing change‍ of pace for Greek politics. As the country navigates its way through complex challenges, PASOK’s vision for ⁤a more just, sustainable, and participatory governance system is a welcome step forward. Will ‌Greece respond to this call to ​action and ⁢embark on a journey towards a brighter future?




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Is PASOK left or right

PASOK’s Call to Action: A Change of Direction for Greece

In a pivotal moment for Greece, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) is advocating for a radical shift in the country’s governance system. Haris Doukas, the mayor of Athens and candidate for PASOK president, has emphasized the need for a change of direction, urging for participation and democracy to tackle the core problems plaguing Greek society [[1]].

A New Era of Governance

Doukas’ announcement marks a significant departure from the status quo, as PASOK aims to create a Greece with pride and dignity. The party’s proposed government program focuses on six fundamental objectives, designed to address the country’s most pressing issues. These objectives include social, economic, and climate justice, reduction of inequality, and promotion of sustainable development [[2]].

Open Dialogue and Collaboration

What sets PASOK’s approach apart is its commitment to open dialogue and collaboration. The party invites individuals from various backgrounds, including competent bodies, productive bodies, local government, scientific community, unions, and friends, to contribute their opinions and shape the final formulation of the proposals [[3]]. This inclusive approach is a testament to PASOK’s dedication to democracy and participation.

A Brief History of PASOK

Founded in 1974, PASOK has a rich history as a radical Marxist-inspired party that called for the dissolution of Greece’s military dictatorship [[1]]. Over the years, the party has evolved, becoming the largest left-of-center party in Greece between 1977 and 2012 [[2]].

PASOK’s Evolution and Revival

In 2018, PASOK underwent a transformation, giving birth to the PASOK – Movement for Change alliance [[3]]. This revival marked a new era for the party, as it adapted to changing political landscapes and societal needs.

A Call to Action

As Doukas so eloquently put it, “Let’s finally talk clearly about the core of our society’s problems and not about the wrapper. Let’s express the many again.” PASOK’s call to action is a beacon of hope for a Greece that can be proud and dignified. It is an invitation to all Greeks to come together, participate, and contribute to shaping a better future for the country.


PASOK’s proposed government program and commitment to open dialogue and collaboration offer a refreshing change. The party’s emphasis on social, economic, and climate justice, reduction of inequality, and promotion of sustainable development presents a promising vision for Greece’s future. By engaging with citizens from all walks of life, PASOK is paving the way for a more inclusive and participatory governance system. As Greece navigates this critical juncture, PASOK’s call to action serves as a powerful reminder that change is possible, and that together, Greeks can create a brighter, more dignified future for their country.





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