Revitalizing Hope: New Emergency Relief Programs for Flood-Impacted Areas

New First Aid Payments towards them affected by the floods which took place at the beginning of September in various regions of the country and especially in Thessaly, took place yesterday, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection.

A total of 2,316,470 euros were credited to citizens’ bank accounts.

In particular, they were paid 1,326,470 euros to 267 natural personsa for dealing with basic living needs and simple repair work and/or the replacement of household goods in areas affected by the floods of September.

These are payments that arose, mainly, through the cross-checks made by the officers of the General Secretariat for Natural Disaster Recovery and State Aid in the applications submitted to the first aid platform,

At the same time, they were carried out payments of 990,000 euros to 495 businesses as first aid against the grant of businesses affected by the floods, which include livestock units and agricultural holdings.

A total of 66.8 million euros have been paid to 14,664 natural persons, who have been affected by the unprecedented flooding phenomenon that hit Thessaly, as well as areas of Central Greece.

During the last week, when the first aid platform for agricultural holdings was opened, EUR 4.2 million has already been paid to approximately 2,100 farmers with damage to their fixed capital and equipment.

At the same time, the process of cross-checking the data submitted through the first aid platform,, continues, as well as the automated identification process, where available data is obtained. Therefore, in the following days, payments will continue as normal.

It is reminded that the flood victims in the said areas, whose details are not obtained through the automated identification process by the AADE, can submit an application at, so that they too receive the compensation they are entitled to. Of course, the flood-affected citizens who are in the other, several, affected areas are also invited to submit an application, as has been done to a significant extent until today.

It is pointed out that for the payment of the aid checks and data cross-checks are carried out, according to the autopsies of the services of the General Directorate for Rehabilitation of the Effects of Natural Disasters. Correspondingly, for the cases where the aid payment was made automatically, autopsies and data cross-checks will be carried out.

In the event that it is established that the entitled amount of the aid is less than the amount received by the beneficiary or that the recipient of the aid is not a beneficiary, then the excess amount or the total amount, respectively, is returned to the Greek State as unduly paid.

As it has been noted from the beginning and provided for in the relevant Joint Ministerial Decision, the crossings and controls also concern the villages that have joined the automatic procedure. In any case, therefore, those who are not entitled will not receive or, in the few cases that may arise, sums will be returned – after cross-checks and offsets – as unduly paid.

At the same time, with an amendment to the relevant KYA, the first aid against a grant is included together with livestock units and agricultural holdings, i.e. those affected who have income from business activity that comes exclusively from agricultural activity and recorded losses to their fixed capital, equipment, and other means and elements of production.

It is also provided that for the granting of first aid against housing assistance, for real estate acquired or whose status changed after January 1, 2023, the statement of real estate data submitted by October 5, 2023 will be taken into account.

The deadline for submitting applications at for the granting of aid to deal with basic living needs and simple repair work and/or the replacement of household goods for flood-affected citizens, for the granting of first aid against housing assistance from owners of affected buildings and first aid against a grant from affected businesses, expires on 31 October.

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‌What are the eligibility criteria for the ​new first aid payments for flood victims in Thessaly?

New First ⁤Aid Payments ​for Flood Victims: A Comprehensive ‌Guide

In the aftermath of the devastating floods that hit various regions of the country, especially Thessaly, at ​the ‌beginning of September, the Ministry​ of Climate Crisis and‍ Civil Protection has announced a new round of first aid payments to ​affected citizens and businesses. This⁣ article will‌ provide a ‌comprehensive overview ⁢of the new first aid payments, eligibility criteria, and the process⁢ of applying for compensation.

New First Aid Payments: Breaking Down the Figures

According to the Ministry’s announcement, a total of 2,316,470 euros have been credited to ⁤citizens’ bank accounts. Specifically, 1,326,470⁣ euros were paid to 267 natural persons ‌for ⁢dealing with basic living needs⁣ and simple repair work​ and/or the replacement of household goods in areas affected by the floods⁢ of September. Additionally,⁢ payments of 990,000‍ euros were made to 495 businesses as first aid against the grant of ⁤businesses affected by⁤ the floods,‍ including ‍livestock units and agricultural⁢ holdings.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

To be eligible for the first aid payments, flood victims‌ must submit an application through the first aid platform, The payments ​are made based on cross-checks conducted by the officers of the ​General⁤ Secretariat for Natural Disaster Recovery and State Aid in‌ the applications submitted. In cases where the aid payment was made automatically, ⁢autopsies ​and data cross-checks will‌ be carried out to ensure that the entitled amount of aid is accurate.

Flood Relief Efforts: A Collaborative Effort

The flood relief efforts are a collaborative effort between government agencies, non-profit organizations,⁤ and volunteers. The Red Cross, for example, provides⁢ shelter, food, ​and⁣ comfort‍ to families affected‌ by floods ​ [[2]]. Health workers from ⁢the Red Cross also travel to disaster sites to‌ provide first aid treatment for injuries and ⁣monitor‌ the well-being of ‍those⁤ affected [[3]]. In​ addition to government aid, individuals can also play a vital role in supporting flood⁤ relief efforts by donating to reputable organizations or volunteering their time and​ skills.

First Aid During Floods: A Vital Component of Disaster Relief

First aid during floods ⁢is​ a critical component of disaster relief efforts. Floods can cause a wide range of injuries, from​ minor cuts and bruises to⁤ more serious ⁤injuries such as electrocution and ⁢drowning. In the aftermath of a‌ flood, it is essential​ to provide immediate medical attention to ⁤those ⁤affected. First aid kits should include essential items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any ​prescription medications [[1]].


The new first aid payments​ for flood victims are a ​welcome relief‌ for those affected by the devastating floods in Thessaly ‍and other regions of the country. As the flood relief⁣ efforts continue, it is essential‌ to remember the⁣ importance of first aid⁢ during floods⁤ and the need for a collaborative approach to ‌disaster ‌relief. ⁤By working together, we can provide vital support⁣ to ​those affected ‌by floods and ​help them ‍rebuild their lives.





What are the eligibility criteria for the new first aid payments for flood victims in Thessaly, Greece?

New First Aid Payments for Flood Victims in Thessaly, Greece

In the aftermath of the devastating floods that hit Thessaly, Greece in early September, the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection has announced a new round of first aid payments to affected citizens and businesses. According to the announcement, a total of 2,316,470 euros have been credited to citizens’ bank accounts, providing much-needed relief to those impacted by the disaster.

Payments to Citizens and Businesses

The payments include 1,326,470 euros to 267 natural persons for dealing with basic living needs and simple repair work, as well as the replacement of household goods in areas affected by the floods. Additionally, 990,000 euros have been paid to 495 businesses as first aid against the grant of businesses affected by the floods, including livestock units and agricultural holdings.

Total Aid Paid Out

To date, a total of 66.8 million euros have been paid to 14,664 natural persons affected by the unprecedented flooding phenomenon that hit Thessaly and areas of Central Greece. In the past week, when the first aid platform for agricultural holdings was opened, EUR 4.2 million has already been paid to approximately 2,100 farmers with damage to their fixed capital and equipment.

Ongoing Payment Process

The process of cross-checking the data submitted through the first aid platform,, continues, as well as the automated identification process, where available data is obtained. As a result, payments will continue as normal in the following days.

Eligibility and Application Process

Flood victims in the affected areas, whose details are not obtained through the automated identification process by the AADE, can submit an application at to receive the compensation they are entitled to. Similarly, flood-affected citizens in other affected areas are invited to submit an application, as has been done to a significant extent until today.

Checks and Controls

It is pointed out that for the payment of the aid, checks and data cross-checks are carried out, according to the autopsies of the services of the General Directorate for Rehabilitation of the Effects of Natural Disasters. Correspondingly, for the cases where the aid payment was made automatically, autopsies and data cross-checks will be carried out. In the event that it is established that the entitled amount of the aid is less than the amount received by the beneficiary or that the recipient of the aid is not a beneficiary, then the excess amount or the total amount, respectively, is returned to the Greek State as unduly paid.

Inclusion of Livestock Units and Agricultural Holdings

With an amendment to the relevant KYA, the first aid against a grant is included together with livestock units and agricultural holdings, i.e. those affected who have income from business activity that comes exclusively from agricultural activity and recorded losses to their fixed capital, equipment, and other means and elements of production.

Housing Assistance

It is also provided that for the granting of first aid against housing assistance, for real estate acquired or whose status change.

Context of the Floods

The floods in Thessaly have caused catastrophic damage, with thousands of people losing their homes and businesses [1]. The floods have affected infrastructure and residential areas, resulting in at least six deaths and hundreds more displaced [3]. The revised Flood Management Plan for Thessaly and other flood-prone regions in Greece will need to be incorporated into the EU Floods Directive [2].

the new first aid payments to flood victims in Thessaly, Greece are a crucial step in providing relief to those affected by the devastating floods. As the payment process continues, it is essential to ensure that all eligible citizens and businesses receive the compensation they are entitled to.



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