Revitalizing Campus Life: The Dynamic Impact of Football

Football exhibition at the Dalian Xigang District Campus Football Art Festival.

Football injects vitality into the colorful campus

Students from Dalian Experimental Primary School run happily. Photo provided by Dalian Education Bureau

The popular “Lianchao” campus group competition, the first International School Sports Federation Football World Cup… In Dalian, Liaoning, football has become one of the characteristics of this city. Dalian youth campus football has also been frequently praised and has achieved dazzling results: campus football has distinct characteristics, high-level competitions have been held, and a large number of young football players have emerged…

“We insist on starting from children, from the grassroots, and from the basics, adhering to the principle of ‘teaching is the foundation, competition is the key, system and mechanism are the guarantee, and educating people is the fundamental’, and by establishing a youth campus football work system of ‘generalization, training, competition, and promotion’, we promote the sustained, healthy and high-quality development of campus football.” Ju Zhenwei, director of the Dalian Municipal Education Bureau, introduced.

Start from the children to realize universal development

Courses are the best way to promote and popularize football. Dalian City has included football teaching content as a must-learn and must-test item, and included it in the city’s compulsory education stage school physical education teaching quality monitoring and evaluation system, achieving full popularization of football teaching once a week in ordinary schools, and included “football” in the new high school entrance physical education test skill selection item. Guide schools to develop and offer school-based football courses, vigorously promote football recess activities, and organically integrate the eight basic football techniques and basic physical training into the practice of recess activities. Implement the compulsory elective football course in high schools, and football teaching covers the entire process of basic education, further expanding the popularity of campus football.

Dalian uses the construction of characteristic schools as a starting point for popularization. Implement the “one school, one product” and “one school, multiple products” sports reforms featuring football. Strengthen process supervision, assessment and management, and continuously improve the quality and development level of characteristic construction. Every winter and summer vacation, the football team of the football characteristic school (popular school) will carry out no less than 15 days of football training to lay a solid foundation for the development of students’ football. Relying on the Dalian Campus Football Primary School Base School Project and local vocational and professional resources, the football characteristic education will be extended vertically to kindergartens, and the requirement of “starting football from babies” will be implemented to cultivate children’s interest in football from an early age.

The construction of school-level teams is the best carrier for popularization. Dalian Dongbei Road Primary School, which is known as the “Huangpu of Football”, has 8 training echelons, including 6 age group gradients, a women’s football team and a goalkeeper team. The school team trains for more than 40 hours a month and more than 300 days a year. Dalian stipulates that starting from the third grade of primary school, each school shall establish at least one school-level team, and the specialty schools shall have no less than 3 boys and girls teams, and the popular schools shall have no less than 2 teams; at the junior high school and ordinary high school stage, each school shall establish at least one school-level team. At present, there are 510 primary and secondary school-level football teams in the city. Football specialty schools insist on training no less than 4 times a week, and popular schools insist on training no less than 3 times a week, with each training time no less than 90 minutes. Through professional and systematic training, the technical and tactical level of football players is improved, and a good development trend of campus football is promoted.

High-level events increase participation enthusiasm

Dalian City was the first in the country to develop the “Youth Football Teaching and Training Outline”. Every coach is given a copy. The school’s regular football teaching and training plan must be formulated and implemented based on the “Outline”. All external campus football coaches must complete the “Outline” training and assessment before taking up their posts, which has effectively promoted the standardization, standardization and scientificization of campus football teaching and training throughout the city.

The construction of teaching staff is the guarantee for improving the training level. Dalian currently has 624 professional football teachers, accounting for 21% of the total number of physical education teachers, and 308 of them have football coach certificates of grade D or above, accounting for 10% of the total number of physical education teachers. At the same time, the city’s education, sports, football association and other departments have coordinated to integrate professional football coach resources, recruit professional coaches and teachers with grade A, B, C, and D qualifications, and set up Dalian’s campus football “coach talent pool”. At present, the talent pool has reserved 901 people, which effectively guarantees the overall level of campus football teaching and training. At the same time, the channels for professional football coaches to enter campuses are unblocked, and more outstanding football coaches enter campuses, playing an increasingly important role on the campus football stage.

In addition, Dalian has continuously strengthened the design of the football competition system. The municipal education, sports, football association and other departments have jointly established the “school competition (class league) – inter-school league – selective competition – national exchange competition” system, improved the 5-person, 8-person and 11-person competition system, and established a vertically connected, horizontally connected, standardized and orderly high school, junior high school and elementary school three-level youth campus football league and championship dual-track competition mechanism to promote the healthy and orderly development of campus football activities and competitions.

“Since 2017, the school hosting rate of the ‘Principal Cup’ and the school coverage rate of the ‘District Mayor Cup’ in the 12 districts of the city have achieved ‘two 100%’. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 7,533 competitions of various levels and types such as the ‘Principal Cup’ and the ‘District Mayor Cup’ have been held, with 5,198 teams participating in various competitions at all levels and types, and the number of participants and student spectators reaching nearly 80,000.” Ju Zhenwei introduced.

Connecting the channels for further studies makes life more sustainable

Wang Xizhe, who was once selected for the Chinese Middle School Football Team, studied at Jiefang Primary School, No. 44 Middle School (junior high school), and No. 13 Middle School (senior high school) in Zhongshan District. This year, he was admitted to university as he wished. His educational experience well explains why Dalian campus football can develop sustainably and vigorously.

In order to meet the football learning needs of students with special talents, Dalian City actively explored opening up the restrictions on school districts, and 42 schools in the city’s compulsory education stage have arranged to recruit students with special talents in football. Students with special talents in football can move across school districts from primary school to primary school, and from primary school to junior high school in the region. At the same time, the admission policy for students with special talents in football in ordinary high schools has been improved. There are 21 high schools in the city that have arranged to recruit students with special talents in football, including 12 high schools that recruit students from the entire city and 9 high schools that recruit students from the district. The city recruits 130 students with special talents in football every year, opening up the channels for students with special talents in football in the compulsory education stage to enter higher education.

In addition, Dalian is also actively exploring the talent training mechanism of “integration of sports and education” to broaden the career development path of football students. Dalian has promoted the establishment of more than 1,300 youth teams through the integration of sports and education. Campus football has provided 90 football players aged 2007-2009 to professional teams, continuously broadening the breadth of diversified growth of football talents.

In the numbers

Dalian Education


In 2018, there were 7 provincial-level senior high schools in the city, accounting for 9.2% of the city’s senior high schools. As of now, there are 21 provincial-level senior high schools in the city, accounting for 25% of the city’s senior high schools.


In 2018, there were 33 compulsory education groups in the city. As of now, there are 194 compulsory education groups in the city, achieving full coverage of compulsory education schools.


In 2018, the city’s primary school enrollment rate was 99.6%, junior high school enrollment rate was 99.9%, junior high school three-year consolidation rate was 97.7%, compulsory education consolidation rate was 96.2%, and high school gross enrollment rate was 99.3%. As of now, the city’s primary school enrollment rate is 99.8%, junior high school enrollment rate is 99.2%, junior high school three-year consolidation rate is 98.9%, compulsory education consolidation rate is 98.5%, and high school gross enrollment rate is 100%.


In 2018, 45.8% of the city’s children were enrolled in public kindergartens. As of now, 53.4% ​​of the city’s children are enrolled in public kindergartens, an increase of 7.6 percentage points.

Data source: Dalian Education Bureau

Author: Correspondent Wang Xiaochun

责编:邢彬 ]

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on‌ the topic of “Football Injects Vitality into‍ the Colorful Campus” in Dalian, China:

Title: Football Injects Vitality into the Colorful⁢ Campus:‍ Dalian’s Successful Model for​ Promoting Youth Football Development

Meta Description: Learn about Dalian’s successful model for promoting youth​ football development, including ‌universal football education,⁢ high-level ⁢competitions, ⁤and a large number of⁢ young football ⁢players emerging from the city’s schools.

Keywords: youth football development, Dalian, China, campus football, football education, school football teams, football competitions, football coaching


In recent years, football⁤ has become an integral part‌ of Dalian’s sports culture, with the city hosting various international football competitions and⁢ producing a large number ⁣of⁣ talented young football players.​ The city’s⁣ education bureau has played a crucial ⁢role in promoting ​youth‍ football development,⁤ with a focus on universal football education,‌ high-level competitions, and a robust system​ for identifying and nurturing young talent.

Universal Football Education: The Foundation of Success

Dalian’s education bureau has made⁤ football education a ⁣priority, with a focus ​on teaching football skills to children from a⁢ young age. The city ⁤has included‌ football teaching content as a must-learn and must-test ‍item in its compulsory education stage ⁣school physical‌ education teaching quality monitoring and evaluation ‌system. ⁣This ensures that every school in the city offers football classes, with trained coaches and a well-structured curriculum.

The city’s ‌”one school, one product” and “one ‌school, multiple products” sports reforms featuring football have also ⁣been instrumental⁤ in promoting football education. This approach encourages schools to‌ develop their own unique football⁣ programs, with a focus on identifying and​ nurturing⁢ talented young players.

High-Level Competitions: Encouraging Participation and Excellence

Dalian has ⁤hosted ​various high-level football competitions, including the “Lianchao” campus group‍ competition and the International ⁢School Sports Federation⁤ Football World Cup. These competitions provide ‌a platform for young⁣ football players to showcase ⁢their skills, gain valuable‌ experience,‍ and compete against the best teams from ⁤around the world.

The city’s education bureau has also established a robust system for identifying‍ and nurturing young talent, with⁢ a focus on ⁢providing opportunities for talented players to develop‍ their skills and ​reach their full ‍potential.

School Football Teams: The Backbone of Youth Football Development

Dalian’s school football teams are the backbone of ​the city’s youth‍ football development program. Every school in the city has at least one school-level team, with popular schools having‍ multiple teams for boys and girls. These teams provide ⁤a platform for young football players to‍ develop their skills, participate in ‍competitions, and gain valuable experience.

The city’s‍ football⁣ specialty ⁢schools, such⁣ as Dalian Dongbei Road​ Primary⁣ School, are‌ renowned⁢ for their⁣ high-quality⁣ football programs and have ‌produced many talented‌ young players. These schools provide ⁤intensive‌ training programs, with a focus on developing the technical and tactical skills of young players.


Dalian’s successful ‍model for promoting youth football development is a testament to the city’s commitment⁣ to providing ⁣opportunities for young people to develop their skills and reach their full potential. The city’s ⁣focus on universal football education, high-level competitions, and a robust system for identifying and nurturing young talent has resulted in a large number of talented young football players emerging from the city’s schools.

As Ju‍ Zhenwei, director ‌of the Dalian Municipal Education Bureau, notes, “We insist on starting from children, from the grassroots, and from the basics, adhering to the principle of ‘teaching​ is the ⁤foundation, competition is the key, system and mechanism are the ⁤guarantee, and educating‍ people is the fundamental’, ⁢and by establishing a youth campus football ​work system of ‘generalization, training, ⁢competition,‌ and promotion’, we promote ‍the sustained,⁢ healthy ​and high-quality development of ‌campus football.”

Dalian’s model is an inspiration to other cities ​around the world, demonstrating the importance of ‍investing in youth football development and providing⁣ opportunities for young people ​to develop their skills‍ and reach their full ​potential.



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