Review: PJ Harvey on Way out west


Rating: 4. Rating scale: 0 to 5.

PJ Harvey

Scen: Azalea, Way out west

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During the last tour, PJ Harvey has prepared a big place for last year’s album “I inside the old year dying”, where she preserved her unmistakable, raw expression but turned her gaze inward and used the long poem “Orlam” as a text source.

When she stands up on a Gothenburg festival stage, she relaxes the form, but lets the album’s magical aesthetic characterize the show. It works incredibly well – whether she’s performing new songs or gems from a 32-year career (a highlight: “50ft Queenie”), whether she’s quietly gazing out over the park or moving across the stage. She hardly appeals to the audience, and can seem concentrated, involved in her own ritual, but she never becomes exclusive. On the contrary: when the applause subsided, it’s as if an hour-long spell has been broken.

Read more about this year’s edition of Way out west.



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