Reversing Fatty Liver: 4 Effective Ways to Improve Liver Health through Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments

2023-08-19 03:21:46

It is estimated that about 6 million people in Taiwan have fatty liver, but fatty liver can be reversed through diet and lifestyle adjustments. (Schematic/Shutterstock)

It is estimated that about 6 million people in Taiwan have fatty liver. From fatty liver to liver cancer, it only needs to go through hepatitis and cirrhosis, which have a great impact on health, but fatty liver is also reversible. A nutritionist shares 4 ways to effectively reverse fatty liver. Among them, taking more Phytochemicals, such as capsaicin in peppers and curcumin in curry, can promote the liver to metabolize fat.

Fatty liver refers to excessive fat in the liver cells. It is defined as fatty liver when the fat content of the liver exceeds 5%. However, fatty liver is reversible. The accumulation of fat in the liver can be reduced by adjusting life and eating habits. Restore liver health. Nutritionist Yang Sihan stated on his Facebook page that there are five high-risk factors for fatty liver, including obesity, diseases (such as diabetes, hepatitis C virus), drugs of unknown origin, high-fat and high-sugar diet, excessive dieting and weight loss .

She said that fat can be reversed through 4 diets.

1. Take more Omega-3 fatty acids: Studies have found that Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce liver fat synthesis and increase liver fat oxidation.

2. Take more phytochemicals: For example, capsaicin in pepper can burn fat and promote metabolism, and curcumin in curry and turmeric can improve fatty liver metabolic enzymes. The catechins in green tea also help regulate blood sugar and blood lipids, thereby preventing fat from accumulating in the liver.

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3. Intake of high-quality protein: protein is a substance that synthesizes liver lipid metabolism enzymes, and one meal needs protein the size of a palm.

4. Stay away from the three highs: High sugar, high fat and alcohol will cause triglycerides to accumulate in the liver and increase the risk of fatty liver. High-sugar, high-fat diet can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver; long-term drinking can cause alcoholic fatty liver.

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