“Reverse discrimination” –

The decision of the swimming pool in Figline Valdarno (Florence) and of the Uisp Florence to include in the structure’s programming a course which, one hour a week, will be dedicated entirely to Muslim women is causing discussion. No one else, apart from the instructors (strictly female), will be able to enter the sports facility from 8.30 to 9.30 on Tuesday. This initiative comes after requests made by some Islamic citizens in the area. “Due to their beliefs and customs they could not have swimming lessons and this is not right: we have organized a course that respects their right to sport”, the president of the Uisp association Marco Ceccantini explained to La Nazione. “Madness”: this is the comment of the Tuscan deputy of the League, Andrea Barabotti. “It is yet another case of discrimination, so to speak ‘in reverse’: For the League this is an absolutely unconstitutional and racist proposal that must be stopped in every way. We ask the Tuscan Democratic Party and the mayor to take a step back, in respect for Italians and our Constitution”, he declared.

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The Figline Valdarno affair also came to the attention of Susanna Ceccardi. The pool courses for Muslim women only “is not a project of integration, but of segregation which institutionalizes apartheid for Muslim women. A horrible thing”, said the League MEP. “We are faced with yet another horrible example of false integration, as is immediately evident from the fact, flaunted, that there will only be instructors and armored tanks. How can we talk about inclusion if the courses are, precisely, exclusively for Muslim women? As for the words of the Uisp president, we are completely mad”, commented the leader of the League in the Tuscany Regional Council, Elena Meini. “The exact antithesis of integration and inclusiveness is the choice to lock up a group of Muslim women in a swimming pool, to guarantee them private swimming lessons. The sports promotion association that manages the municipal swimming pool of Figline Valdarno, which believes it is promoting equity and equality with a similar method, evidently mistakes a form of ghettoization for a right, going in the exact opposite direction to a balanced and healthy coexistence in our country of every person, whatever their beliefs”, they wrote instead. , in a note, the deputy and Tuscan regional deputy coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia Francesco Michelotti and the municipal coordinator and group leader of the Figline Valdarno party Enrico Venturi.

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“It is, moreover, a municipal swimming pool, in fact therefore in existence thanks to public money; the latter detail which, given what may be the inspiring values ​​of the sports association that proposed this special course, should be respected by imposing a similar project. The words of the mayor of Figline Valdarno Valerio Pianigiani, rather than condemning a real surgical division between people, evoke the principles on which the community is based, such as equal opportunities, inclusion and integration. We remind the mayor that a form of new ghetto, because the course project will give rise to this, is synonymous with the social elimination of some individuals and certainly not with coexistence between equal rights. We will ask a parliamentary question and a municipal one to get clarity “, they added.

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