Reversal with Father Antonio 2024-02-22 23:19:35

The council judges return the case file to the inquest and order specific acts to be carried out.

1. Receiving a supplementary apology from Father Antonio for an individual act concerning the accusation of abuse in carelessness once morest the 19-year-old complainant.






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2. Taking statements from two brothers to whom the 19-year-old allegedly confided what he suffered from his alleged abuser and to this day they have not been called.

Once these two investigative acts are carried out, the case file will be resubmitted to the misdemeanor council.

It is recalled that the First Instance Prosecutor, Mr. Dimitris Nomikos, in his proposal to the Misdemeanor Board, had requested the referral to trial of father Antonios for the criminal acts of abusing a minor in lawlessness with victims who had not reached the age of 14, but also with victims who had completed 14 years.

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#Reversal #Father #Antonio



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