Revenue up 22.3% in the first half

The HPS Group’s revenues for the second quarter increased by 17.4% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Over the half-year as a whole, the Group recorded growth of 22.3% (18.2% proforma), thanks in particular to the development of its activities, its external growth dynamic with a significant contribution from the ICPS entity and a positive exchange rate effect with the appreciation of the USD/MAD parity of 9.8% compared to 2021.

During this quarter, HPS was notified by the Directorate General of Taxes for a tax audit relating to corporation tax, income tax and value added tax for non-prescribed financial years. The mission is still ongoing and therefore the extent and potential impact of this review remains undefined.


The sustained development of the payment industry, driven by the profound transformation of purchasing behavior and consumption habits as well as by continued investment in the banking industry to drive technological innovation, continues to fuel the growth of Group activities. Thanks to the adoption of the new organization, HPS is strengthening its position as a major player and consolidating its pillars of strategic development, through the successful diversification of its business models and a strong capacity for innovation.

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